Dr. Yofi Tirosh

Faculty of Law
מנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים סגל אקדמי בכיר
Dr. Yofi Tirosh
Phone: 03-6406724
Office: Minkoff - Law


Dr. Yofi Tirosh is an Associate Professor, and the former Dean of the Sapir Academic College School of Law in Israel’s south (Negev) region. She is interested in antidiscrimination law, civil rights, feminist jurisprudence, law and culture, and food law. Recently her research focuses on the effects and the legality of sex-segregation in Israel. Another theme in her scholarship is the ways in which the body and physical appearance are understood, regulated and constructed by the law.

Among other distinctions, Tirosh is the 2018 recipient of Israel’s Public Law Association’s Gorni Award for her contribution to the field, and the Katan award for enhancement of gender equality through research, teaching, and activism. In 2018 she was awarded a $70,000 research grant for a project on anti-discrimination law and theory from Israel’s National Science Foundation.

Tirosh joined the Tel Aviv Faculty of Law in 2008. She completed her LL.M. and S.J.D. at the University of Michigan Law School, where she was a fellow at Michigan's Institute for the Humanities. After completing her LL.B from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, she clerked for Israel's Supreme Court. She served as a research fellow at New York University School of Law and at Humboldt University in Berlin, and as a Visiting Professor at Georgetown Law Center, Queen’s University Faculty of Law in Ontario, and more.

Alongside her research, teaching, and academic leadership, Tirosh is a prominent civil rights activist, working with policymakers and civil society organizations, and consulting pro bono on impact lawyering to promote sex equality. She is a frequent contributor of legal analysis to national and international media. She has been leading a potentially precedent-setting petition to the High Court of Justice, challenging the constitutionality of sex segregation in academic programs for religious and ultra-Orthodox students. Tirosh was listed as one of Israel’s 100 most influential people by TheMarker, Haaretz’s financial magazine (2019).

Research Interests and Teaching

Antidiscrimination law

Feminist jurisprudence

Civil rights

Food law

Body and law




University of Michigan Law School, SJD


University of Michigan Law School, LL.M.


The Hebrew University Faculty of Law, LL.B.



Academic Appointments

2017 to date

Dean, Sapir Academic College School of Law


Visiting Professor, Queen’s University Faculty of Law, Ontario


Visiting Researcher, Humboldt University zu Berlin


Visiting Professor, Georgetown Law Center

2008 to date

Associate Professor, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law


Visiting Fellow, Hauser Global Research Fellow


Assistant Professor, The Haim Striks School of Law, College of Management


Full SV

Representative Publications

Yofi Tirosh, Diminishing Constitutional Law: The First Three Decades of Women’s Exclusion Adjudication in Israel, 16 ICON: International Journal of Constitutional Law (2020).


  הסכמה להפרדה בין המינים כאתגר לתיאוריה הליברלית, יפורסם בספר מנחם מאוטנר, אונ׳ תל אביב 2021. (Consent to Sex Segregation as a Challenge to Liberal Theory, Menachem Mautner Festchrift, forthcoming 2021).


״הסיפור של הפרדה בין המינים באקדמיה: גילוי, מיפוי, חתירה לשינוי״ מעשי משפט י 153-107 (2019) (The Story of the Campaign Against Sex Segregation in Israeli Academia: Realizing, Theorizing, Mobilizing).


"אמפתיה מתקנת", עבודה, חברה ומשפט טו, 57-37 (2017) (עם אדם שנער) (Affirmative Empathy).


״תקופה מתקתקת: תפיסות שיפוטיות של הזמן הלאומי וזכויות האדם בישראל", משפט, סכסוך ומיעוט לאומי 291 (סדרת משפט, חברה ותרבות ראיף זריק ואילן סבן עורכים 2017) (Ticking Times: Judicial Conceptions of National Time and their Effect on Human Rights in Israel).


Should the Law Compensate for Disgust Caused by Silicon in My Milk?, in: Making Milk: The Past, Present, and Future of Our Primary Food (Mathilde Cohen & Yoriko Otomo eds., 2017) (co-authored with Yair Eldan).


Naked in Front of the Machine: Does Airport Scanning Violate Privacy?, 74 Ohio State Law Review 1273-1306 (2013) (co-authored with Michael Birnhack). 


״ייצוג הולם לנשים בעיצוב מדיניות לאומית״ משפט וממשל טו 231 (2013) (עם ענת טהון אשכנזי) (Applying UNSC Resolution 1325 in Israel).

The Right to Be Fat, 12 Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics 264 (2012).


A Name of One’s Own: Gender and Symbolic Legal Personhood at the European Court of Human Rights, 33 Harvard Journal of Law and Gender 248-307 (2010).


"להתיר את הקשירה הפנימית: כתיבה על הגוף השמן בתרבות של רזון", תיאוריה וביקורת 32, 228 (2008) (Untying the Internal Knot: Writing on the Fat Body in a Culture of Slenderness).


Adjudicating Appearance: From Identity to Personhood, 19 Yale Journal of Law and Feminism 49 (2007).


"סיפור של אונס, לא יותר: על הפוליטיקה של ייצוג טקסטואלי בע"פ 3031/98 מדינת ישראל נ' דן שבתאי" משפטים לא(3) 579 (2001) (Just another Rape: On the Politics of Textual (Representation


"ייצוג הולם לבני שני המינים בשירות המדינה: תיקון מס' 7 לחוק שירות המדינה (מינויים), תשי"ט-1959: פרשנותו וקווי יסוד ליישומו" משפטים ל (1998) (183Guidelines for Implementing Due Gender Representation in Israel's Civil Service(


Edited Books:


לחם חוק: אנתולוגיה של משפט ואוכל, משפט, חברה ותרבות, (2017 עורכים: יופי תירוש ואייל גרוס) (Studies in Food Law).


קפיטליזם ומגדר: סוגיות פמיניסטיות בתרבות השוק (מכון ון ליר 2017, עורכות: רונה ברייר-גארב, דנה אולמרט, ארנה קזין ויופי תירוש) (An Anthology of Gender and Capitalism).