
The Cegla Center for Interdisciplinary Research of the Law provides a vast array of events, conferences and programs supporting the local and international legal community.


The Center's major event is the du-annual TIL Conference, dedicated entirely to topics and issues in the field of legal theory. Choosing a different procedural focus each year, the Conference allows scholars from Israel and abroad to meet and present unfinished works-in-progress (WIP) and receive invaluable feedback from their peers. Many of the papers presented during these conferences are later published in the following year issue of Theoretical Inquires of Law (TIL).


Each year the Center also hosts and co-hosts along with other research centers and institutes at Tel Aviv University an average of 10-15 international conferences, theme-based workshops and book symposia – all of which are delivered in English. These include the Annual Cegla Lecture and other open panel discussions, guest-lectures by prominent legal scholars and practitioners, meeting forums for interdisciplinary researchers and much more.


In addition, the Center helps support faculty members and students of Tel Aviv University by providing financial support to events and activities focusing on the advancement of interdisciplinary research.


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