Fellowships & Scholarships


The Cegla Center for Interdisciplinary Research of the Law allots special funds to enhance and promote the individual research activities of TAU Law Faculty members.


Research Grants

The Center provides up to three years' funding to support research initiatives of TAU Law's faculty members.


International Activity Grants

The Center offers unique funding designed to support junior faculty members who have yet to obtain full-time tenure-track positions, and wish to conduct research at law schools outside of Israel, or plan to attend international conferences, workshops or competitions for the purpose of presenting published papers or works in progress (WIP).

Allocated funds are typically provided for travel and subsistence expenses, as well as any other expenses relating to off-campus research activities.

For specific guidelines and application instructions contact the Cegla Center: cegla@tauex.tau.ac.il​



TAU Law Junior Faculty Fellowships

Since 2008, the center assists junior faculty members by enabling them to take time off from teaching in order to devote themselves entirely to their research work.

Junior faculty fellowships are normally granted for a period of one semester.


For specific guidelines and application instructions contact the Cegla Center: cegla@tauex.tau.ac.il