Research LL.M. (Hebrew)

Research LL.M. (Hebrew)

The Faculty's two-year Research Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Hebrew offers a compelling and comprehensive curriculum, with significant coursework and seminars, which culminate in writing an LL.M. thesis. As of 2007, the program is part of the Zvi Meitar Center for Advanced Legal Studies and annually consists of approximately 60 students from Israel’s elite law schools.


Aimed at candidates from a diversity of backgrounds, perspectives and areas of interest, the program seeks to foster students' academic and personal skills, advance their legal knowledge and assist them in conducting meaningful, independent research within the Faculty's predetermined learning objectives and framework, and ultimately, prepare them for careers in research and teaching law.


LL.M. students can attend the Faculty’s many legal workshops, conferences, colloquia and seminars. These formats, which are devoted to different topics, bring together excellent young Israeli and international researchers to present and discuss research-in-progress, thus enabling immediate, meaningful engagement with current scholarship. Most notable of these are the LL.M. Thesis Workshop, designed to assist students in researching and writing their thesis, and a Reading Workshop, aimed at exposing students to the latest methodologies, disciplines and concepts of legal theory and research.


The LL.M. thesis (up to 100 pages) should reflect the student's independent research and have a significant contribution to current legal academic knowledge. It is written by the students under the guidance and supervision of a Faculty member. Our team of staff and instructors provide students ongoing guidance throughout their thesis work and assist them in developing and refining their topic of research.

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