Dr. Anat Ben-Yonatan


e-mail: benyonatan@tauex.tau.ac.il


Dr. Anat Ben-Yonatan is a social-sciences informed human-animal scholar, specializing in various forms of interspecies violence, with emphasis in legitimized versus non-legitimized violence of humans against nonhuman animals. She also focuses on "the save movement" with its educational programs as possible paths to cope with these violent phenomena.

In addition to her research interests, Anat takes a central role in the sustainable food system project on campus.

Anat is the co-founder and a steering committee member of the human-animal connections forum and the community for human-animal studies (HASI) under the auspices of the Israeli Anthropological Association, which she also co-chairs.


Latest publications:


Ben-Yonatan, A. (2022). “The Knife Needs the Intention of the Heart”: The

Construction of Ethnic and Moral Boundaries in Israeli Slaughterhouses. Ethnicities23(1), 128-150.  https://doi.org/10.1177/14687968221093715


Ben-Yonatan, A. (2022) “Yesterday You Slaughtered Animals, Today You Pity Them”: Ambivalence and Resolution Among Jewish Israeli Slaughterers, Anthrozoös, 35:3, 355-370, DOI: 10.1080/08927936.2021.1996023


Ben-Yonatan, A. (2022). "It is a Violent and Cruel Act, But it is Permitted by Law": Violence Towards Animals in the Intersection Between Law and Society. Law & Social Change, 13, 89-130. [in Hebrew].


Hirsch-Matsioulas, O., Ben-Yonatan, A., Chen, L., Sadetzki, Y., & Shir-Vertesh, D. (2022). Human-Animal Studies in Israel: A Field in the Making, Society & Animals (published online ahead of print 2022). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/15685306-bja10095


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