Research Activities

Since its establishment in 2009 as Israel's first and largest supporter of the history of law, the David Berg Institute has become a major hub for legal history scholarship.

Being part of TAU Law - a global leader in legal history, and home to an extremely large group of researchers in the field - the Institute enjoys an international reputation for its high-quality research.


The Institute's main activities include sponsoring research of Faculty members and students; supporting collaborative research projects with other research institutions, and hosting a wide range of events dedicated to state-of-the-art legal history research.


Below are some examples of the Institute's recent activities:



Research Grants and Fellowships

The David Berg Institute puts heavy emphasis on funding scholarly research, helping to shape tomorrow's legal history landscape.

The Institute allocates several research grants to TAU faculty members and students, and hosts 2-3 Israeli post-doctoral fellows working in legal history.



Digitization of Legal Texts from the Mandate Period

The Institute has created, in collaboration with The David J. Light Law Library and the Nevo Legal Database, a digital archive of the Hebrew version of the Palestine Gazette - the register of government legal activity during the period of the British rule.

The Gazette included primary legislation, regulations, and other types of government legal announcements, and was published in English, Hebrew, and Arabic.


The full archive is available here. Please note that accessing the archive requires a subscription.



Secondary Sources of Israeli Legal History

Another important achievement of recent years is the completion of an extensive bibliography with references to and secondary source material.

The bibliography is available here



Legal History Book Series

In a unique collaboration, the David Berg Institute and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev have joined together to publish a special book series on Israeli legal history.

BGU Press is one of the largest academic presses in Israel.


Tel Aviv University
P.O. Box 39040, Tel Aviv 6997801