The Israeli History & Law Association
The Israeli History and Law Association, established in 2005, brings together Israeli scholars studying the intersection of history and law in all periods and places.
The Association’s major activity is its Annual Meeting, held jointly with The Ben-Zvi Institute every fall in Jerusalem.
The Association awards an annual prize for the best legal history article by a member. Please find details of the winning articles below.
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Best legal history article award
- 2020 Levi Cooper, “Jewish Law in the Beit Midrash of Hasidism,” Diné Israel 34 (2020), 51-110
- 2019 Rosenberg Anat: Amongst the Most Desirable Reading’: Advertising and the Fetters of the Newspaper Press in Britain, c. 1848-1914
- 2019 Orit Malca: Disqualified Witnesses: Between Tannaitic Halakha and Roman Law
- 2018 Der. Yair Sagi: A Case That Made History: A Historiographical Inquiry Into The United Mizrahi Bank Case
- 2017 Benjamin Blum: "The Hounds of Empire: Forensic Dog Tracking In Britain and Its Colonies 1888-1953"
- 2016 Badi Hasisi and Deborah Bernstein: "Multiple Voices and the Force of Custom on Punishment: Trial of ‘Family Honor Killings’ in Mandate Palestine"
- 2015 Rivka Brot, "There Wasn’t a Righteous Person Among them: The Gray Zone of Collaboration in the Israeli Courtroom”, in Jewish Honor Courts: Revenge, Retribution, and Reconciliation in Europe and Israel after the Holocaust, Gabriel Finder and Laura Jockusch, eds., Wayne State University Press (2015