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Law & Business



Israel is an international hub for corporate and business activity. Corporate giants from the U.S., Europe, and Asia constantly seek opportunities in Israel from buying companies to opening research centers. For example, Israel’s MobilEye was recently acquired by Intel for $15 Billion. Venture capital and private equity companies follow suit and aim for Israel’s earlier stage companies. At the same time that foreigners invest in Israel, Israeli companies look outward to raise capital and seek larger product markets. Israel has the second largest number of companies quoted on the NASDAQ, with 93 such companies (and counting!). Many Israeli companies, cross-list in Israel and abroad, and the Israeli Securities Law is highly innovative in this regard. Finally, some Israeli companies play a major role in international transactions. To say the least, Israel today is an exciting place to study business law.

The Business Law track focuses on the fundamentals of business strategy catered to a legal audience. The course topics and frameworks are drawn from business law as well as MBA curriculums of leading schools abroad. The track offers courses on an array of topics: Startup Financing and Governance, Shareholder Activism, Issues in Competition Law, Negotiations in the Technology Industry, and related issues. Together, we offer a range of courses that are second to none.

To complete your specialization in the Business Law track, you must take at least 14-15 credits of the LL.M.’s 32 required credits, from courses within the Business Law track, but you are more than welcome to take as many courses as you see fit – and that fit your schedule. You can also take courses from the other tracks, in addition to general elective courses.


The professors and courses refer to the current academic year courses are subject to change every year.

For course information, please check here.



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