Speak to TAU LLM students!

Message from the Academic Director


Dear Students,


Welcome to the Parasol Foundation International LL.M. Program at TAU Law!


My faculty colleagues and I, and our administrative staff, are proud of our status as the #1 law school in Israel and are dedicated to your development and success as graduate law students.


In Tel Aviv – the Non-Stop City in the Start-up Nation – students and professors from all over the world are drawn to the innovative and dynamic environment at TAU Law.


The LL.M. program offers a superb academic experience, with top-notch scholars from Israel and elsewhere.


We offer specializations in law and technology, international law, and human rights and business law. Students are welcome to engage with professors and students in our thriving intellectual community – in classes, seminars, and workshops, as well as in informal settings.

You will graduate with a deeper understanding of the law and its connection to society, economics, and its complexities. Field trips and guest lecturers will complement your studies.

Your classmates will become your colleagues; your professors will be your mentors; your memories of studying in Israel will last a lifetime.

Please contact me if you have any questions about the academic program or life in Tel Aviv.

Ronen Avraham 

Professor of Law, Academic Director, Parasol Foundation International LL.M. Program

Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Law



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