Student Research Affiliates
The David Berg Institute for Law and History provides support services to TAU Law students engaged in legal history research.
Below is a list of recent publications by graduate students affiliated with the Institute:
Inbal Blau
- Lost Identity - Between Law and Society among the Affected of Medical Radiation Therapy for Tinea Capitis (Ringworm), 5 Ma'asei Mishpat (2013) [Hebrew].
- Socio-Legal Examination of Compensation Mechanisms of Mass Body Damage Events in Israel through a Historical Perspective (forthcoming)
Maya Mark, Just Ring Twice: Law and society under the Rent Control Regime in Israel, 1948–1954, 32(1) Journal of Israeli History: Politics, Society, Culture 29 (2013).
Omer Aloni,
- Orientalist Reflection in Early Israeli Law: (New) Perspectives on the Issue of Polygamy, 4(2) Comparative Legal History (The Official European Society for Comparative Legal History Journal) 181 (2016);
- The Question of Polygamy: Orientalist Reflections in Early Israeli Law and the Fight Against Bigamy and Polygamy, in Palestinian Women's Personal Status 163 (Liat Kozma and Heba Yazbak eds., January 2017);
- (Invited) Review of Nathan Brun, Law, Passions and Politics: Judges and Lawyers Between the British Mandate and the State of Israel, 136 Zmanim: A Historical Quarterly 140 (2017).
Rivka Brot, No One was an Angel: The Gray Zone of Collaboration in Court, in Jewish Honor Courts: Revenge, Retribution and Reconciliation un Europe and Israel After the Holocaust (Gaby Finder & Laura Jokusch, eds., Wayne State University Press, forthcoming 2015).
Yael Braudo
- Book Review: Law and Gender in Mandatory Palestine, 18-19 Israel 287 (2012) [Hebrew].
- Legislative Initiatives of Israeli Women’s Organizations, 1948–1973: Property Relations between Spouses, 27 Isr. Stud. Rev.166 (2012).
- The Involvement of Women’s Organizations in the Legislation of the Spouses (Property) Relations Law: The Untold Story, Law & Governance (forthcoming 2013) [Hebrew].
Natalie R. Davidson
- Alien Tort Statute Litigation and Transitional Justice: Bringing the Marcos Case back to the Philippines, 11 International Journal of Transitional Justice 257 (2017).
- Shifting the Lenses on Alien Tort Statute Litigation: Narrating U.S. Hegemony in Filartiga and Marcos, 28 European Journal of International Law 20 (2017)
- From Political Repression to Torturer Impunity: The Narrowing of Filártiga v. Peña-Irala” in Karen Engle, Zinaida Miller and D.M. Davis ED), Anti-Impunity and the Human Rights Agenda (Cambridge University Press, 2016), 255-287
Smadar Ben-Natan
- Constitutional Mindset: The Interrelations between Constitutional Law and International Law in the Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights. 50(2) Israel Law Review (2017)
- Justice by One's Peers? The Application of Israeli Law in the Military Courts of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Theory and Criticism, Van-Leer institute (2014) (Hebrew)