Ronen Avraham is a professor of law at Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law. He came to Tel Aviv from the University of Texas at Austin. Before then, he was an Associate Professor of Law at Northwestern University in Chicago. Professor Avraham obtained his LL.M. and J.S.D. from Michigan Law School after receiving his LL.B. and MBA, Magna Cum Laude, from Bar Ilan University (Israel). Professor Avraham has published primarily in referee journal, such as Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, American Law and Economics Review, Journal of Legal Studies, as well as in top law reviews. Professor Avraham is the author the Dataset of State Law Reforms, currently in its 5th edition, which is an important research tool in the study of tort reform in the United States. Professor Avraham teaches Torts, Insurance, and Economic Analysis of Private and Public law. Professor Avraham's primary research interests are in economic analysis of torts and healthcare law and the intersection of liability reform and healthcare reform. In addition he writes about contract theory and theories of justice. In 2018 he expects to work on third party litigation funding and on discrimination and insurance.
Prof. Ronen Avraham

Research Interests and Teaching
SJd, (Science Juris Doctor) University of Michigan Law School. |
2003 |
LLm, (Master in Law) University of Michigan Law School. |
1999 |
MA, (Master in finance) magna cum laude, Bar Ian University School of Business Administration, Israel. |
1998 |
LLb, (Bachelor of Law) magna cum laude, Bar Ian University School of Law, Israel. |
1998 |
Academic Appointments
Professor of Law at Tel Aviv Univ. Senior Lecturer at the University of Texas at Austin |
-2017 |
Visiting Professor of Law at Tel-Aviv University |
2014-2017 |
Professor of Law at the University of Texas at Austin |
2008 |
Assistant and then Associate Professor of Law at Northwestern University |
2003-7 |
Visiting Assistant Professor at Northwestern University |
2002-3 |
Visiting Assistant Professor at Tel Aviv and Bar Ilan Universities |
2001-5 |
Visiting Lecturer at The University of Michigan Law School |
2001 |
Representative Publications
“Those who tan and those who don’t: A natural experiment of colorism” (with Tamar Kriecheli Katz, Tali Regev, Shay Lavie and Haggai Porat)(PLoS ONE 15(7) (2020).
“The Spectrum of Procedural Flexibility” (with William Hubbard). (Univ of Chicago L. Rev Vol 87(4) 883 (2020)). (Reviewed at JOTWELL by Jay Tidmarsh here:
“Why Benefiting a Person Can Be Wrongful Discrimination Towards That Person” (42 Tel Aviv Univ L. Rev (Iyunei Mishpat) 283 (2019)(In Hebrew).
“An Empirical Investigation of Third Party Consumer Litigation Funding (with Tony Sebok)(104 Cornell L. Rev. 1133 (2019).(Reviewed at JOTWELL by Eyal Zamir here:
"Valuing Black Lives: A Constitutional Challenge to the Use of Race-Based Tables in Calculating Tort Damages” (with Kimberly Yuracko) California Law Rev. Vol 106(2) 325 (2018). (Reviewed at JOTWELL by Jennifer Wriggins here:
“Third Party Litigation Funding with Informative Signals: Equilibrium Characterization and the Effects of Admissibility” (with Abe Wickelgren). (Journal of Law and Economics Vol 61(4) pp 637-675 (2018).
“From PI to IP: Litigation Response to Tort Reform” (with John Golden). American Law and Economics Review, Vol 20(1) pp 168-213 (2018).
“Understanding Insurance Anti-Discrimination Laws” S. California Law Review (87), pp 195- 274, 2014 (With Kyle Logue and Daniel Schwarcz)
“Third Party Litigation Funding- A Signaling Model” (With Abraham Wickelgren) 63 DePaul Law Review, pp 233-264 (2014)