
Below a list of publications the Center has supported in recent years.



Labor Migration in Israel: Politics, Bureaucracy and Human Rights

Dr. Yuval Livnat, Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University


Dr. Livnat's research examines the transcripts of all of the discussions of "the Committee for the examination of the problem of foreign workers" and analyzes the way the administrative branch carries out Israel's migration policy and matters in which Israel's migration policy infringes on the human rights of migrant workers (e.g. their right to family life). The research also investigates the dialogue between NGOs and state officials.


Publication Details: "The arrest and release of the foreigner who refused to identify himself", Hamishpat 15(1), 2010, 225-271 was also presented in the Israeli Law and Society International Conference (December 2009).


For the full text in Hebrew, please click here.


The Darfur Crisis and the African Union: From Indifference to Intervention in Human Rights Issues

Dr. Irit Back, Department of Middle Eastern and African History, Tel Aviv University


The research deals with the African Union intervention in Darfur during the years 2004-2008. In the Third European Conference on African Studies, held in Leipzig University, Germany, 4-7 June, 2009, the researcher presented the paper: "Non-Intervention Reconsidered: The African Union and the Darfur Crisis".


Publication Details: "The Paradox of African Unity: African Union Intervention in Darfur, 2003-2006," Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research Tel Aviv University Publications (Forthcoming).


Unmasking Anonymous Users in the Online Environment

Dr. Michael Birnhack, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University

The concrete research question was the following: what should be the substantive legal rule regarding the unmasking of online anonymous users who conducted some wrong? Dr Birnhack's discussion is conducted within several theoretical frameworks: anonymity, theoretical-philosophical framework and the inter-relationship between law and technology.


Publication Details: "Unmasking Anonymous Users Online", 2 Hukim J. of Legis. 51 (2010) (79 pp.); and a contribution to the book The Right to Privacy, Law & Technology By Michael D. Birnhack, published by Bar-Ilan University in 2010.


For the full text in Hebrew, please click here.


Love and Human Rights in Psychoanalysis and in The Work of Hannah Arendt

Dr. Idit Alphandary, the Department of Literature/Interdisciplinary Program of the Arts/NCJW Women and Gender Studies Program, Tel Aviv University

Publication Details: “Love and Worldliness in Psychoanalysis and in the Work of Hannah Arendt” was presented at the Charles University in Prague on November, 2012. This paper demonstrates that love and sublimated love are basic to our modern understanding of human rights and describe the evolution that the concept of love undergoes when it becomes central in the understanding of notions such as forgiveness and making promises, which are pivotal to understanding Hannah Arendt's political thought.


The Art, Psychoanalysis, and Politics of Forgiveness in Henry James's 'The Tragic Muse'" was presented at the Modern Language Association conference, Los Angeles, 2011. This article elaborates a concept of forgiveness that Arendt and Julia Kristeva promote.

In addition, Dr. Alphandary's co-researcher at Freie Universität, Prof. Winfried Mennighaus, came to Tel Aviv University and gave three talks.


Witnessing and Testimony: A Genealogy

Dr. Michal Givony, Faculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv University

Publication Details: "Humanitarian Governance and Ethical Cultivation: Médecins Sans Frontières and the Advent of the Expert-Witness", Millennium 40(1), analyzes contemporary humanitarianism as an advanced-liberal formation of global governance.

"The Ethics of Witnessing and the Politics of the Governed", was submitted to Theory, Culture & Society (SAGE) and seeks to go beyond existing theorizations of witnessing and testimony while analyzing the pivotal role of witnessing and testimony in the emergence and consolidation of non-governmental politics in the 20th century.


Climate Justice and Human Rights - Conceptual Basis for formulating Energy Policy in Israel

Prof. Dan Rabinowitz, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tel Aviv University (Together with the Association of Environmental Justice in Israel).

The research focuses on inequalities in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from domestic electricity consumption (DEC) and private vehicle use (PVU). A major achievement of the project was the development and publication for the first time of a “Carbon Inequality Index”. The results suggested that when it comes to DEC and PVU, individuals belonging to the top decile income emit approximately 25 times more GHG than those belonging to the bottom income decile. Early versions of the results were put together in a position paper published by the association for Environmental Justice in Israel.

Publication Details: "Climate Injustice: CO2 from Domestic Electricity Consumption and Private Car Use by Income Decile", Environmental Justice, Volume 5, Number 1, 2012.

For the full text in English, please click here.


Hannah Arendt's Judgment of Bureaucracy

Prof. Leora Bilsky, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University

Publication Details: Marco Goldoni and Christopher Mccorkindale (eds.), Hannah Arendt and the Law (Hart Publishing), Ch. 14. This work analyzes Hannah Arendt's writings on judging bureaucracy for involvement in atrocity as a reaction to the difficult dilemma posed by the Holocaust for the law. Arendt argued that the problem stemmed from the attempt to apply a legal system and juridical concepts that were not meant to deal with ‘the facts of administrative massacres organized by state apparatus’. Since the end of the Second World War a new corpus of international criminal law amounting to a ‘jurisprudence of atrocity’ has developed. The article identifies a shift away from the limitations of criminal law in the wave of Holocaust restitution lawsuits filed against German and European companies in American courts during the 1990s. The class-action lawsuit dispenses with the need to establish the liability of individual perpetrators within private bureaucratic organizations, and in this way allows the courts to confront bureaucracy on its own terms.


Dissent, Space and Citizenship

Dr. Tali Hatuka, Dept. of Geography and Human Environment, Tel Aviv University

This research examines the role of citizenship in the design and performance of dissent focusing on two groups of Israeli activists, Machsom Watch and Anarchists against the Wall. These case studies demonstrate a growing civilian consciousness of the mutable nature of borders as designed by state power.

Publication details: T. Hatuka, “Transformative Terrains: Counter Hegemonic Tactics of Dissent in Israel”,Geopolitics, 2011.

Tali Hatuka, "Civilian consciousness of the mutable nature of borders: The power of appearance along a fragmented border in Israel/Palestine", Political Geography, Volume 31, Issue 6, August 2012, Pages 347-357.

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