Support Us

The funding of the Minerva Center for Human Rights at Tel Aviv University is greatly dependent on the kind support of people like you. Your donation can help us to maintain our current teaching and research activities and to further expand our social and educational initiatives. We would greatly appreciate your gift.


What your gift can do?

There are several options for you to make a donation:

  1. A general contribution to the Center at large.
  2. A bequest, commemorative endowment or named gift that bears the donor's name or may be named to honor a family member or any other persons or organizations deserving recognition.


Please note, donations are tax-deductible through The Israeli Friends of Tel-Aviv University.


For further information, please feel free to contact us.


Our mailing address is:

The Minerva Center for Human Rights

Buchmann Faculty of Law

Tel Aviv University

Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978


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