Intellectual Property: Migration


Guidelines for contributors

We welcome papers from all academic disciplines. Papers that address this call from cultural-studies, historical, or theoretical perspectives are particularly welcome, as are contributions from scholars working across disciplines or using alternative methods. Established and junior scholars are encouraged to submit papers.

Proposers should be aware that authors (except for Ph.D. students) do not present their own papers at ISHTIP workshops. Rather, a discussant, often from a discipline other than the home discipline of the author, presents a brief summary and critique of papers to facilitate a more interdisciplinary discussion and build scholarly discourse across disciplines.

To be considered for the workshop, please submit a 300-word abstract of your proposed paper as well as a one-paragraph bio and 2-page CV by 31 January 2023 by email to :

Full working papers are due by 22 May 2023. The papers should not have been previously published.

Important dates

  • Submission of proposals: 31 January 2023
  • Expected Date for notification of acceptance: 10 March 2023
  • Submission of full papers: 22 May 2023

Workshop Organizing Committee: Michael Birnhack (TAU Law), Niva Elkin-Koren (TAU Law)

Academic committee:

Maurizio Borghi, Law, Bournemouth University; Kathy Bowrey, Law, University of New South Wales; Merima Bruncevic, Law, University of Gothenburg; Gabriel Galvez-Behar, History, University of Lille; Eva Hemmungs Wirtén, Social Change and Culture, Linköping University; Claudy Op Den Kamp, Film, Bournemouth University



Call For Papers

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