Amnon Goldenberg Writing Prizes
The S. Horowitz Institute for IP wishes to promote academic research in IP law, in Hebrew, by awarding the Amnon Goldenberg IP Prizes. Each year, the Institute will award one prize for researchers and one prize for students for the best original papers in IP, written in Hebrew.
The researchers’ prize is open to all scholars, independent or affiliated with any institution, in Israel or abroad, whether academics, lawyers, or judges. Books are ineligible for the prize.
The students’ prize is open to all students, both in Israel and abroad, in any field. Doctoral dissertations are ineligible for the prize; articles based on dissertations are eligible.
For further details and submission forms, please see the Call for Papers (Heb) and the Amnon Goldenberg IP Prize Rules (Heb).
The 2021 Amnon Goldenberg Prize Winners:
Prof. Miriam Marcowitz- Biton, Dr.Yifat Nahmias and Dr. Tehila Rozencwaig- Feldman for their paper:
"Parallel Import and Price Regulation in the Pharmaceutical Market: The Israeli Experience ".
The 2019 Amnon Goldenberg Prize Winners:
Or Cohen Sasson for his paper: “Patent Law as an Undercover Agent of Ethics Regulation".
The 2018 Amnon Goldenberg Prize Winners:
Dr. Sharon Bar-Ziv and Prof.Niva Elkin-Koren for their paper: “Between two arenas: enforcement of copyright on the Internet".
The 2017 Amnon Goldenberg Prize Winners:
Dr. Omri Rachum-Twaig for his paper: “Law, Haute Cuisine, and Culture: The (Curious) Incident of Copyrights Protection on Gourmet Courses,” about to be published within Studies in Food Law (Law, Society and Culture Book Series, 2017).