Research Grants

Grants for TAU Researchers

The S. Horowitz Institute for IP wishes to promote original research in IP Law, by offering financial support towards the publication of articles and books, both in Hebrew and in other languages.  The grants are for the TAU community only, in any field or discipline.  The grants are in the amount of up to NIS 4,000 for an article, or NIS 12,000 for a book.

For further details, please see the Call for Papers (Heb) and the Research Grants Rules (Heb).

2016-17 Grants for Researchers Winner: Dr. Talia Margalit

2017-18 Grants for Researchers Winner: Prof. David Gilo

2020-21 Grants for Researchers Winner: Prof. Niva elkin-Koren ​, Dr. Uri Hacohen


Grants for TAU Students

The S. Horowitz Institute for IP wishes to promote original research in IP Law by awarding merit-based research grants to MA or PhD TAU students, in any field or discipline.  The grant, in the sum of up to US$2,500 can be used towards research expenses, including participation in conferences.

For further details and submission forms, please see the Call for student research grants (Heb) and the Research Grants Rules (Heb).



2015 TAU Student Winner:


Omri Rachum Twaig is a Ph.D. candidate and a research fellow in Zvi Meitar Center for advanced legal studies and was a research fellow in the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics. Omri holds an L.L.B (2013) from Tel Aviv University (Magna Cum Laude), appearing on the Dean's List in every year of his studies.

During his studies, Omri worked as a pre-intern at Fischer, Behar, Chen, Well, Orion & Co. Law Firm and was the co-editor-in-chief of volume 36 of the Tel Aviv University Law Review. After his studies, Omri served as a law clerk in the chambers of the Honorable Supreme Court Justice Danziger, and worked as a teaching assistant in contract law, environmental law and intellectual property law.

Omri's research focuses on the right to make derivative works as a part of copyright law, as well as non-legal understanding of creativity and the creative process such as cognitive psychology and genre theory.


2016 TAU Student Winner:

Adi Ben Eli holds an L.L.B (2014) from Tel Aviv University, as well as a B.A (2010; cum laude) and M.A. (2011) in Political Science and East Asia Studies from Tel Aviv University.

Adi is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Tel Aviv University (School of History), under the supervision of Prof. Michael Birnhack (TAU Law) and Dr. Ori Sela (TAU East Asia). Adi's research focus on the establishment of Intellectual Property Courts in China.

Adi is an associate in the IP Litigation Department at Pearl Cohen Zedek Latzer Baratz.


2017  TAU Student Winner: 


Or Cohen-Sasson  is a Ph.D. candidate at the Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University & holds an LL.B, LL.M, and .Sc. in Biology.

His research topic is: ‘The Covert Technological Assumption in Patent Law: The Case of Gene Patents and the Need for a Continual Disclosure’. 

His main field of research is the intersection of science and IP law, and more specifically the interplay of genetics and patents, and the complex issues that are being engendered by this interplay.


2018  TAU Student Winner: 


Mr. Or Cohen-Sasson, Ph.D. student at Zvi Meitar Center for Advanced Legal Studies at TAU Law Faculty and a research fellow at SHIIP, won the first prize of the ATRIP Essay Competition of 2018!

Or will participate in the upcoming ATRIP Annual Congress and will present his essay. The Article, A Hidden Technological Assumption in Patent Law, addresses the interplay of modern technologies (mainly genetics) and patent law. The essay reveals a hidden technological assumption in patent law: Patent law is designed for fully-revealed objects, which are fully understood at the moment of inventing them, but not for semi-revealed objects, which are inventions that are only partially understood at the inventing moment, and become clearer through mass usage. The hidden assumption is manifested through an incompatibility between the patent law's disclosure requirement and genetic inventions. 

Cohen-Sasson's article is to be published soon in the Journal of World Intellectual Property.



2020 TAU Student Winner 


Mr. Or Cohen- Sasson Ph.D. The study suggests applying a new paradigm to the patent system - the communicative paradigm. The project analyzes the patent system as a communication channel and conceptualizes it with theories from information and communication studies. The main argument is that the patent system is a platform for communication between various players in society. According to the conventional view, the patent system is a tool for incentivizing innovation. This project contends that the patent system allows communicating with each other. Like any medium, the patent system carries with it communicative features, establishing a unique communication medium – the patent medium. Thus, the patent system is not only a powerful economic platform but a way of communication, bestowing participants with unique affordances. Such a view suggests new explanations and motives to common phenomena amid the patent system.


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