Hot off the press! TAU Law magazine is out!

In the current edition you will find features on a range of topics that showcase the research and activities at TAU Law

05 September 2018
The Buchmann Faculty of Law magazine 2018 is out!

Welcome to De Iure, the Buchmann Faculty of Law magazine brought to you twice a year, at Rosh Hashanah and Passover, in Hebrew and English. Out of the rich and varied activities at TAU Law, the current issue reviews in detail some of our news and latest developments.

To kick things off, you can read a fascinating interview with Prof. Ariel Porat about the personalization of default rules and disclosure, and the way Big Data is transforming every industry, including the legal world. Also in this edition, we review some of the programs and services aimed at broadening access and fostering holistic student success.

Lastly, we talk to one of our graduates, Adv. Mustafa Senel, originally from Turkey, about his experiences at TAU Law and why he feels at home here.

Wishing you a joyous and healthy Rosh Hashanah and happy reading!

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