Hot off the press! TAU Law magazine 2019-20 is out!

In the current edition you will find features on a range of topics that showcase the research and activities at TAU Law

18 December 2019
The Buchmann Faculty of Law magazine 2019-20 is out!

We are proud to share the Hanukkah issue of Tel Aviv University’s Buchmann Faculty of Law magazine. In this issue you can learn about our most recent achievements and activities.


With a mix of compelling news items, interviews and updates, the magazine offers a glimpse into the breadth of our programs and activities, and their wide-reaching impact. Highlights include a piece on a precedential class action to protect the public health, filed by our Environmental Justice and Protection of Animal Rights Clinic; a fascinating interview with Prof. Ariel Porat, President of Tel Aviv University; and an interview with Dr. Mickey Zar on her research on privacy in the Information Age.


We hope that you will share our excitement, and find the issue to be an enjoyable and fascinating read.


Wishing you and yours a happy Hanukkah!



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