The Clinics in the Media: Successful Lawyering for Social Change
- Social Responsibility is the Significant Element in the Current Legal-Academic Discourse – a conversation with the Prof Ziv, Director of the Legal Clinics at TAU. (05.31.2010) Globes. (Hebrew)
- Justice, Justice You Shall Pursue - about the Clinical Law Programs. (04.29.2007). Walla! (Hebrew)
- A woman, whose female life partner died, is recognized as a widow and not a "widower" (04.22.2007). HAARETZ. (Hebrew)
- Request for refugee status due to threat of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), commonly known as "female circumcision". (03.13.2007). HAARETZ. (Hebrew)
- High Court of Justice: "Every Prisoner is Entitled to a Bed". (02.12.2007). News1 ; Ynet. (HEBREW)
- "Striving for Justice" - about the Clinical Law Programs. (12.19.2006). Ynet. (Hebrew)
- Court overturns the unlawful dismissal of a worker diagnosed with breast cancer (12.25.2006). HAARETZ (Hebrew)
- A precedent-setting court ruling places responsibility for contract workers rights also on the institution that commissioned the service from the contractor. (12.12.2006). Globes. (Hebrew)