Law, Society & Culture, Volume 7, 2024

Trafficking in Persons


Law and the Material Turn

LAW, SOCIETY & CULTURE, Volume 7, 2024

Law and the Material Turn




Leora Bilsky and Anat Rosenberg



Part 1


Anat Rosenberg

Introduction: Law and the Material Turn


Jane Bennett (Translator: Yaniv Farka)

Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things (2010): Chapter 1 (The Force of Things) and Chapter 7 (Political Ecologies) 


Part 2

Binyamin Blum

Silent Witnesses: The Material Turn in Forensic Science

Leora Bilsky

Between Warsaw and Treblinka: Rachel Auerbach and the Testimony of Silent Objects

Renana Keydar, Amit Pinchevski, Maxim Ifergan and Omri Abend

Testimony from the Machine: A Computational Model of Listening to Holocaust Testimony

Tawfiq Da’adli

Ludd: Between legal registration and material finding

Eyal Katvan

And they shall beat their swords into signboards: Tracing Adv. Ginzberg’s Signboard



Part 3

Nimrod Ben-Zeev

Towards a History of the Age of Expropriation in the Middle East in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century: The Israeli Custodian of Absentee Property in Global and Regional Contexts

Meny Friedman

The Custodian of Abandoned Property and the city of Ramle 1948-1963: A “necessary link” for the transfer of ownership of abandoned property or a constitutive force of Israeli life in the city?

Yuval Erez

The Curious Incident of Government Takings of Apartments for the Use of Government Officials and Jurists During Israel’s Early Years of Independence

Leora Bilsky and Liat Kozma

Objects as Witnesses: An entangled history of plunder


Part 4          


Mickey Zar

The Commodification of Personal Information

Michael Birnhack and Tal Morse

From memory objects to digital memories

Alon Jasper and Hamad Swaid

Universal Internet Access in Israel? Infrastructure at the Crossroads of Nation, Market, and Materiality

Abigail Faust

Contract as Product: Toward a Material Theory of Consumer Contracts

Shelly Pasternak

Does Painting a Painting Make a Painter? Law between Materiality and Materialism

Eyal Brook

The Material Turn in the Musical Creation Process



Part 5       

Adi Youcht

Plastic Bodies: The Material Turn in Personal Injury Claims Following Plastic Surgeries

Shira Ayal

Fashion by Decree: Gender Representation in Court

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