Law and Technology Workshop
Prof. Niva Elkin-Koren & Dr. Uri Hacohen
Digital networks have an almost infinite number of speech opportunities, communications, commerce and more, but also posed substantial challenges of copyright infringement, privacy violations, harm to one's reputation, terrorist activity, scams and more. What is the relationship between law and information technologies? This is the topic of the workshop. We will discuss these issues by way of critically reading several yet-unpublished works in progress on cutting-edge topics, written by leading scholars in Israel and abroad, and discussions the papers with the authors.
This is an advanced seminar, and assumes prior familiarity with the general themes of law and technology (please see pre-requisites). The workshop invites experts from Israel and abroad to present their current work, from law and other relevant disciplines. Students will be required to read papers in advance, comment in writing, participate in classes, and comment in the workshop itself.