Round Table - Copyright Enforcement and Litigation Strategies



23 January 2020, 16:00 
Tel Aviv University - Faculty of Law 
Round Table - Copyright Enforcement and Litigation Strategies

In recent years, we have witnessed a new phenomenon in copyright law: strategic law suites, initiated either by individuals or corporate copyright owners. For example, we see repeat plaintiffs, such as photographers, photographic agencies, and broadcasters, who sue end-users for infringing their right to copy, make their works available, or perform the works in public. I it is often the case that the suits end up in a compromise. To add to this picture, Amendment 5 to the Copyright Act limited the possibility of claiming statutory damages in some cases. Another aspect of this picture is algorithmic enforcement – without any human involvement.


S. Horowitz Institute for Intellectual Property in memory of Dr. Amnon Goldenberg (SHIIP) seeks to discuss this phenomenon in an academic setting, with the various players, in a roundtable format.

Invitation (Heb)



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