Justice in the Legal System?

Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure in Israel – Problems and Challenges


  • Dvir Yogev, Ayelet Carmeli, Decision-Making in Parole Boards: A Critical Perspective


  • Yoni Livni, White-Collar Crime in Israel: Is Enough Being Done?


  • Uri Weiss, Yosef Zohar, Is the Game of Plea Bargaining a Game of Extortion?


  • Kenneth Mann, Adminstrative Criminal Procedure: Plea Agreements, False Convictions of Guilty Defendents and Judicial Review


  • Sigal Kogut, Efrat Hakak and Itamar Gelbfish, Who’s Afraid of Structuring Judicial Discretion in Sentencing? The Court of Appeals and Amendment no. 113


  • Miriam Gur-Arye, The Impact of Moral Panic on the Criminal Justice System – Implications and Challenges


  • Leora Bilsky, Between the Right to Truth and Rape by Deception


  • Avinoam Cohen, Trespassing: Detention of Asylum Seekers at the Widening Margins of Criminal Law


  • Yoram Shachar, Many Dead Defences and One that Killls


  • Lior Barshack and Tom Kohavi, Human Dignity, the Rule of Law, and Repressed Memories


  • Lihi Yona and Ido Katri, “Sister, You’re Not Alone in Here”: Gender Diverse Experiences in the Criminal Penal System


  • Asaf Harduf, A Bit of Thought: Analyzing the Purpose of Proscribing Illegal Access to Computers


  • Haim Wismonsky, Alternative Enforcement of Illegal Publications Online


  • Aharon Mishnayot, The Constitutionality Index of Administrative Detention


  • Galia Schneebaum, The Prohibition of Sex in Workplace Supervisory Relations: Between the Protection of Autonomy and the Regulation of Authority



Full text articles in Hebrew is available here

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