Dine Israel Volume 29
Articles in English
- Aryeh Amihay, Law and Society in the Dead Sea scrolls: Preliminary Remarks
[Full Text ] - Alexandria Frisch, Worms, Rotting Flesh, and Falling Bowels: the Power of Disgust in a Motif of Kingly Death in early Jewish Literature
[Full Text ] - Alyssa M. Gray, Poverty and Community in R. Joseph Karo’s Shulḥan Arukh: “Law and Literature” and Halakhic History
[Full Text ] - Warren Zev Harvey, Rabbi Nissim of Girona on the Constitutional Power of the Sovereign
[Full Text ] - Yair Lorberbaum, Two Concepts of Gezerat Ha-Katuv - A Chapter in Maimonides’ Legal and Halakhic thought - Part II: the Jurisprudential sense
[Full Text ] - Shana Schick, Negligence and strict Liability in the Babylonian and Palestinian Talmuds: two Competing systems of tort Law in the Rulings of early Amoraim
[Full Text ] - Levi Cooper, Review Essay: on Etkes’ Ba'al Ha-Tanya
Articles in Hebrew
- Moshe Halbertal, The History of Halakhah and the emergence of Halakhah
[Full Text ] - Itzhak Brand, ‘Lex Populi’ in Jewish Criminal Law
[Full Text ] - Yacov Fuchs, 'Opening of trial’ as trial’s Closure: the Meaning of the term “P’tiḥat Din” in Medieval Literature
[Full Text ] - Mordechai Sabato, A new Look at the Talmudic Lists of Relatives who are Disqualified for Testimony
[Full Text ] - Tehila Elizur, Enforcing a Divorce upon a Violent Husband – the Approach of the Rosh: A new study based on original Responsa
[Full Text ] - Elimelech Westreich, Levirate Marriage in Judicial Decisions of Nineteenth-Century Jerusalem
[Full Text ] - Amos Israel-Vleeschhouwer and Dafna Horev-Betzalel, The Redemption of Man, nation and the World: Local Leadership and Plans for Global Governance by Rabbi Moshe Chalfon HaCohen of Djerba
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