Amos Shapira

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Amos Shapira, a former Dean of the Faculty of Law, is the former Co-Director of the Minerva Center for Human Rights; the former Director of the Cegla Institute of Comparative and Private International Law; the editor of TAU Studies in Law; the Incumbent of the Lubowski Chair of Law and Biomedical Ethics; He is member of the Presidium of the Israel Press Council; the Vice President of the German-Israeli Jurists Association; and a member of the Board of Directors of the Israeli Opera. He serves in various capacities in numerous bodies, including the American Law Institute; the Israel Democracy Institute; the Bioethics Committee of the Israel National Academy of Sciences and Humanities; the Israel Human Medical Experimentation National Review Board; the Steering Committee of the Israel National Transplant Center; the ethics Committee of the Tel-Aviv Soraski Medical Center. He has been a visiting professor at a dozen law schools abroad, among them Yale, Columbia and the University of London, and is the recipient of several prizes, including the Fritz Naphtali Prize, Pinhas Rosen Prize, the Giztelter Prize, and the Brooklyn, Georgetown, Tulane, Cardozo Zeltner Prize. He is a member and the former Vice President of the Scientific Committee of the International Bioethics Society (SIBI) in Spain. He was nominated Distinguished Professor of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. His scholarship is primarily in the area of private international law, law and biomedical ethics, and constitutional law. He has published numerous articles in Hebrew, English and other languages, and is the author of The Interest Approach to Choice of Law (published by Nijhoff) and editor of Introduction to the Law of Israel (published by Kluwer). Professor Shapira obtained his M. Jur., with distinction, from Hebrew University, M.C.L from Columbia Law School and J.S.D. from Yale Law School. Since 2008- Dean, School of Law, Carmel Academic Center, Haifa. Professor Shapira is married and the father of three daughters. 
Tel Aviv University
P.O. Box 39040, Tel Aviv 6997801