The Sixth Annual International Berg Conference

The Sixth Annual International Berg Conference  / XXIst Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians: "Law in Transition"

The David Berg Institute for Law and History, with the support of the TAU Office of the Vice President, Cegla Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Entin Faculty of Humanities, and Yavetz Graduate School of Historical Studies will host the 6th Annual International Berg Conference / the XXIst Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians, scheduled to be held 1-3 March 2015 at the Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University.

01 March 2015, 9:00 



General Information

The upcoming conference aims at a comprehensive discussion of law in transition. A wide variety of transitions of historical significance will be explored: political, economic, social, cultural, and more. “Law”— legal symbols, discourses, players, institutions, theories, and texts—has played a significant role in historical transitions, and legal historians have been crucial in exploring its multiple and contradictory effects. The stakes are not just historical, but current: these studies encourage transitions in the way law itself is conceived, theorized, and researched.


Conference outlined program


Conference full program


Conference Details

For further information on the conference and on the registration, please contact our administrator at


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