Tel Aviv Northwestern LL.M. (Hebrew)

Tel Aviv Northwestern LL.M.


TAU Law and Northwestern University School of Law - one of the top ranked legal centers in the world - jointly offer a specialized LL.M. degree program in Public Law. The one-year degree is designed specifically for students working in the public sector, and therefore cannot or do not wish to undertake a full-time LL.M.


Since its introduction in 2007, the LL.M. continues to grow steadily in popularity and prestige. Typically including 35-38 students, the program attracts Israel's best and brightest public law figures. Among these are many judges, prosecutors, national and municipal legal advisors, regulators and experienced public interest lawyers. The cultural and geographical diversity of the program's participants, coming from all levels of Israel's society, significantly contributes to the students' overall educational experience.


Led by internationally-renowned expert faculty members, the unique and dynamic LL.M. includes a rich and rigorous curriculum, aimed at equipping students with both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to deepen their understanding of public law in a global context and become leading lawyers in their fields, as well as advance in their careers.


The program addresses all aspects of international public law, including main legal challenges and changes relating to multiculturalism, citizenship and national identity, as well as privatization, human rights laws and criminal law.


The joint degree program is divided to three semesters: the fall and spring semesters are taught in Israel, where the students are taught twice a week, primarily in Hebrew, as well as several courses in English, by visiting professors, and a summer semester, which is held at Northwestern, entirely in English. With completion of their studies, students receive an LL.M. with awards from both universities.

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