Conference on Civil Justice Reform in Israel

26 March 2015, 12:30 

The Ministry of Justice recently circulated for the public's comments a draft of proposed Rules of Civil Procedure (RCP), which if come into force, will change the face of litigation. According to the explanatory notes attached to the proposed RCP, the aim of the new rules is to "design a new order in which the RCP will be reinstated as a central tool for the administration of civil trials, making civil proceedings more efficient, simple and speedy while preserving due process."    


The proposed draft raises many important questions that need addressing prior to its being legislated. Among these questions are: Is there is a real need for such a sweeping reform in the RCP? What are the values and goals that the RCP should aspire to achieve? What are the main problems with the current RCP and are these problems adequately addressed by the proposed RCP.


The Conference will serve as a forum for a thorough analysis and discussion of these, as well as other, issues, encouraging a dialogue between different theoretical and practical approaches to civil procedure. The conference is designed for all those interested in civil procedure, including lawyers, judges, academics, decision makers and the public at large.  



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