Prof. Leora Bilsky

Faculty of Law
מנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Leora Bilsky
Phone: 03-6407056
Fax: 03-6405349
Office: Minkoff - Law, 330


Leora Bilsky is a Full Professor at the Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law, and the Director of the Minerva Center for Human Rights at Tel Aviv University. She earned her LL.B cum laude from Hebrew University and an LL.M. and a J.S.D. from Yale Law School (where she held a Fulbright award). She clerked for the Honorable Aharon Barak on Israel’s supreme court. She was a Visiting Professor at Toronto University and Amherst College, and a fellow in "Ethics and the Professions" at Harvard University. She has served as Editor in Chief of the political theory journal Theory and Criticism, and as editor of law journals Mishpatim, Iyunei Mispat and Theoretical Inquiries in Law. She is the author of Transformative Justice: Israeli Identity on Trial (Michigan University Press, 2004), and The Holocaust, Corporations and the Law (forthcoming, Michigan University Press).

Research Interests and Teaching

Law after the Holocaust, political trials, transitional justice, international criminal law, feminist legal theory, and the relationship between law, history and memory.


1993 - 1995 J.S.D., Yale Law School 
Title of Doctoral dissertation: The Narrative Turn in Legal Scholarship
1992 - 1993 LL.M., Yale Law School (Fulbright Scholar)
1987 - 1991 LL.B., Summa cum Laude, Hebrew University School of Law


Academic Appointments

1996 - 2000 Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University
2000 - 2003 Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University
2003 - 2012 Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University
2012 - Present Full Professor, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University
2016 Benno Gitter Chair in Human Right and Holocaust Rearch 


Full CV

Representative Publications

L. Bilsky, The Holocaust, Corporations and the Law (Michigan University Press, 2017)


L. Bilsky, Transformative Justice: Israeli Identity on Trial (2004) (Michigan University Press).


L. Bilsky, ed. The Crisis of the Disciplines after the Holocaust, special issue of Theory and Criticism(Teoria ve-Bikoret), vol. 40 (2012) [Hebrew]


L. Bilsky, ed., Judgment in the Shadow of the Holocaustspecial issue of Theoretical Inquiries in Law, vol. 1 no. 2 (2000)


L. Bilsky,The Eichmann Trial and the Legacy of Jurisdiction, in Politics in Dark Times: Encounters with Hannah Arendt (ed., Seyla Benhabib, Cambridge u. Press)


L. Bilsky, Entry on "Political Trials"in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Smelser Neil J. and Baltes Paul eds.)


L. Bilsky, The Eichmann Trial – Toward a Jurisprudence of Eyewitness Testimonies of Atrocity? Journal of International Criminal Justice 2014; doi: 10.1093/jicj/mqt075


L. Bilsky and T. Fischer, Rethinking Settlement, Theoretical Inquiries in Law vol. 15 pp. 77-123 (2014).


L. Bilsky and N.R. Davidson, A  Process-Oriented Approach to Corporate Liability for Human Rights Violations, 4 Transnational Legal Theory 1 (2013)


L. Bilsky,The Judge and the Historian: Transnational Holocaust Litigation as a New Model, 24 History and Memory 117 (2012)


L. Bilsky, Transnational Holocaust Restitution, European Journal of International Law 349 (2012)


L. Bilsky, "We had never climbed fences before": The City, The Woman and the Drifter in Gan Meir Trial, Hamishpat, Vol. 16, pp. 131-172, May 2011 (Hebrew)


L. Bilsky,"Citizenship as Mask: Between the Imposter and the Refugee", 15(1) Constellations 72 (2008)


L. Bilsky & A. Verbin, "Nachum Gutman and The First Rape in Tel Aviv" 98 Zemanim (R. Harris, A. Likhowski eds., 2007)


Full list of publications

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