Yael Braudo-Bahat

Yael  Braudo-Bahat
Office: Ornstein - Chemistry


Prof. Leora Bilsky


Yael’s doctoral dissertation, written with the guidance of Prof. Leora Bilsky, focuses on the legislative initiatives of Israeli Women Organizations during the years 1948-1973. Specifically, it explores the organizations’ role in promoting wives’ rights in marital property. The dissertation combines a historical research with legal analysis and jurisprudential theory.

Research Interests

Feminism, Family law, Property law, Autonomy and law, Jurisprudence, Legal History, Legislation




BA (Accounting, 2001, Tel Aviv University)

LLB (2002, Tel Aviv University)

LLM (magna cum laude, 2008, Tel Aviv University)


Academic and Professional Experience

Associate Editor, Theoretical Inquiries in Law, Cegla Center  for Interdisciplinary Research of the Law


Coordinator and lecturer in the LL.M. course Theoretical Approaches to Law

2009-2010, 2012-

Teaching assistant:

Israeli Feminism (Prof. Leora Bilsky)

Legal Feminism (Dr. Daphna Hacker)

Family Law (Dr. Daphna Hacker)

Family Law (Prof. Elimelech Westreich)

Hebrew Law (Prof. Elimelech Westreich)

Tort Law (Prof. Ariel Porat)




The Involvement of Israeli Women’s Organizations in the Enactment of the Spouses (Property Relations) Law During 1948-1973: The Forgotten Struggle, 15 Mishpat U’Mimshal 27 (2013) (in Hebrew).


Legislative Initiatives of Israeli Women’s Organizations, 1948–1973: Property Relations between Spouses, 27 Isr. Stud. Rev. 166 (2012).


Book Review: Law and Gender in Mandatory Palestine, 18-19 Israel 287 (2012) (in Hebrew).


Working Families in Israeli Law: Between Neo-Liberalism and Human Rightsin Gender in Israel 682 (2011) (with Michal Frenkel and Daphna Hacker) (in Hebrew).


Looking into Medusa’s Eyes: Breastfeeding and the Public Sphere, 12 Lab. Soc’y & L. 219 (2010) (in Hebrew).

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