Galia is currently the Executive Director of the Institute for Law and Philanthropy. After completion of her LL.B studies Galia served as an intern and legal assistant to Justice Shlomo Levin, Deputy-President of the Israeli Supreme Court of Justice (1997-2003). In 2003, she joined the Clinical staff at TAU Law and served as a clinical instructor for the Welfare clinic. Soon after that she established the Micro Business and Economic Justice Clinic and served as its director and senior clinical instructor, supporting the development of micro businesses run by low income clients (mostly woman), the development of the social businesses movement in Israel and community development projects (2004-2014). Prior to her current position Galia also served as deputy director for the TAU law Clinics (2011-2014).
Galia Feit

Phone: 03-6405547
Research Interests
Law & Social Change, Philanthropy & Non Profit Organizations, Welfare Policy
LL.B (1997) Tel Aviv University Law School
LL.M (1999) Tel Aviv University Law School
From Rights Advocacy to Economic Empowerment: Legal Aid for Community Economic Development as a New Form of Cause Lawyering, (in Empowerment on Trial, pp. 545-584, Law, Society and Culture Book Series, 2008) (Hebrew).
Social Businesses in Social NGO's in Israel: Issues in Taxation and Incorporation (in M’aasei Mishpat, Tel Aviv University Journal of Law and Social Change, 2011) (Hebrew).
Microfinance in Israel: Opportunities for Development (in Van Leer Institute Paper Series, 2012) (Hebrew).