Professor Neta Ziv serves as The Vice President for Equity, Diversity and Community at Tel Aviv University. She is the academic director of The Carasso Social Housing Research and Development Program (Hagar). Until 2014 she directed the Clinical Programs at the law school. Prof. Ziv taught courses on "Legal Ethics and the Legal Profession", "Regulation and Legislation", "Housing Law" and "Human Rights of People with Disabilities." Prof. Ziv received her LL.B. from the Hebrew University Law Faculty, an LL.M. from The American University in Washington, D.C., and her J.S.D. from Stanford Law School. Prof. Ziv practiced as a public interest lawyer for the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, and served as a leading attorney in some of Israel’s major human rights cases litigated before the Israeli Supreme Court. She was among the founding members of the "Israel Women’s Network Legal Center", the Chair of "Bizchut - the Israel Human Rights Center for People with Disabilities", and of "Itach - Maaki: Women Lawyers for Social Justice". Prof. Ziv is the Chair of "Milestones for Life" (serving young adults on the autistic spectrum). Since 2018 she is an elected member of Ramat Hasharon Municipal Council.
Prof. Neta Ziv
Faculty of Law

Research Interests and Teaching
Legal Ethics, Professional Responsibility, Law & Social Change, Disability Law and Studies, Human Rights.
Education | |
2001 | JSD, Stanford Law School, Stanford, California. |
1997 | JSM, Stanford Law School, Stanford, California. |
1986 | LL.M., American University, Washington School of Law, Washington, DC. Graduated with honors. |
1982 | LL.B. Hebrew University Faculty of Law, Jerusalem, Israel. Graduated with honors. |
Academic Appointments |
1999-present | Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Law, Associate Professor, & Director, Clinical Education Programs |
2006 (October) | NU, Chicago, Il, School of Law, Visiting Scholar |
2008 (Fall) | Stanford Law School, Visiting Professor, Stanford University, CA, USA |
2009 (summer) | Center for the Study of Law and Society, Visiting Scholar, UC Berkeley, CA USA |
2010 (summer) | The Stein Center for Law and Ethics, Senior Fellow, Fordham Univ., NY |
2011 (summer) | The Stein Center for Law and Ethics, Visiting Scholar Fordham Univ., NY |
2013 (summer) | Fuhrman Center for Real Estate Visiting Scholar and Urban Policy, NYU |
2014 (Fall) | Visiting Professor, Fordham Law School, NY |
Representative Publications
Neta Ziv & Sapir Slutsker-Amran, MizrahiCause Lawyers in Israel, 23 Mishpat Umimshal (2021)
Neta Ziv, Issi Rosen-Zvi, Tamar Kricheli Katz, "Hierarchy and Stratification in the Israeli Legal Profession", Law & Society Rev. Volume 51 (2), 436 (2018).
Neta Ziv, Navigating the Judicial Terrain Under Israeli Occupation: Palestinian and Israeli Lawyers in Military Courts, Fordham International Law Journal, Vol. 42, Issue 2 (December 2018), pp. 729-760
Neta Ziv, The Story of Alice Miller: Behind the Scenes of the Case for Gender Equality in theIsraeli Airforce, Maásei Michpat - Tel Aviv University Journal of Law and Social Change, vol. 10 (2019), 60.
Neta Ziv, Who Will Guard the Guardians of Law? Lawyers in Israel between the State, Market and Civil Society (Bar-Ilan Univ. Press and Hakibuts Hameuhad, 2015)
Neta Ziv, Who Moved My Mouse? Technology, Online Legal Services and Professional Ethics, TAU Law Review, 39(1) TAU L. Rev. 189 (2016).
Neta Ziv, "Urban Renewal Amidst National Divides: Can Housing Development (partially) Correct Past Injustice?" Georgetown J. Poverty Law and Policy, vol. XXII (1), 57 - 97 (2014).
NetaZ iv & Galia Feit, "Ethical Quandaries - When the Poor Client Steps Outside the Bound of Law" , Hamishpat, vol. 20, 195-228 (2014) (Hebrew).
Christopher J. Whelan and Neta Ziv, Privatizing Professionalism: Client Control of Lawyers’ Ethics, Fordham Law Review, vol, 80 (2012) 2577.
Neta Ziv, "Credit Cooperative Societies in Early Israeli Statehood: Financial Institutions and Social Transformation", Theoretical Inquiries in Law, vol. 11 (no. 1), (2010) 209-245.
Neta Ziv, "Regulation of Israeli Lawyers: from Professional Autonomy to Multi Institutional Regulation", Fordham L. Rev. vol. 77 (4) (2009) 1763 – 1794.
Neta Ziv, "Who Moved my Gown? On Unauthorized Practice of Law in Israel" Bar Ilan Law Studies (2008), 439-489 (Hebrew).
Neta Ziv, "Housing Law and Social Exclusion - The Case of Public Housing in Israel", Law and Government in Israel vol. 9(2) (2006), 411-460.
Neta Ziv, "Excessive Use of Force as a Means of Social Exclusion: Forced Evictions of Squatters in Israel" Theoretical Inquiries in Law vol. 7(1) (2006), 167.
Neta Ziv, "Disobedience, Resistance and the Representation of Poor People: The Case of Public Housing Invasions" Haifa L. Rev. vol. 1 (2004), 115 (Hebrew).
Neta Ziv, "Combining Professionalism, Nation Building and Public Service: The Professional Project of the Israeli Bar" 1928-2002, LXXI Fordham L. Rev. no. 4 (2003), 1621.
Neta Ziv, "Taxing Minorities: The Struggle against Property Tax in Israel as a Form of Cultural Acknowledgment", Iyunei Mishpat vol. 26(1) (2002), 197 (Hebrew).
Neta Ziv: "Lawyering for the Public Interest - Who is the Public? What is the Interest? Professional Dilemmas in Representing Minority Groups in Israel", Law and Governance vol 6 (2001), 129 (Hebrew).
Full Publication List (Hebrew)