Parallel Imports: On Exhaustion in Present Times and in Light of Future Challenges

04 May 2017, 16:00 - 19:30 

In the global world, cross-border trade has become an essential component of business. Furthermore, information regarding products and markets, has also become global and accessible. This in turn has facilitated parallel imports. Parallel imports, which do not involve imitations or counterfeits of products, have increased by circumventing authorized importers and / or regular marketing channels. As such, the parallel import allows the introduction of products to a particular country, taking advantage of the pricing gaps between the place of purchase of the product and its final place of sale. At first glance, such a practice should be commended for increasing supply and thereby reducing the price that the end consumer pays. However, the "official importers" will probably be hurt financially by the multitude of products on the market that they did not import.


The parallel import challenges the interface between intellectual property laws and trade considerations. The question here is : Can parallel imports be restricted by intellectual property laws? In this round table event we shall examine the issue of parallel imports from a number of aspects, including legislative, business, regulatory and international, as well as the consumer-importer relationship in the virtual world. 




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