TraffLab ERC Project hosts: Minimum Wage Laws and Social Equality – lecture and roundtable panel with Prof. Brishen Rogers

08 May 2018, 18:00 
Room: 307 
Minimum Wage Laws and Social Equality

Minimum Wage Laws and Social Equality – Lecture and Roundtable with Prof. Brishen Rogers


Dr. Hila Shamir’s ERC project  - TraffLab: A Labor Perspective to Human Trafficking - is glad to invite you to– a lecture by Prof. Brishen rogers  (Beasley School of Law, Temple University) followed by a roundtable with Prof. Guy Mundlak, Hanny Ben-Israel, and Assaf Bondy.

In recent weeks the question whether labor and employment laws – and specifically the minimum wage – should apply to migrant workers, was raised among Israeli policy makers. In this event we will explore the possible implications of such an exclusion, and the issue of universal vs. selective application of labor and employment rights, with a focus on minimum wage laws. 




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