Edmond J.Safra Center For Ethics conference: The Social Dynamics of Psycho/Somatic Suffering

14 December 2015, 10:15 
Room: 307 

The aim of this workshop is to gain a better understanding of the ways in which contemporary theoretical scholarship and empirical research in medicine, psychology, sociology, economy, and law “treat” (both in the theoretical and the practical sense of the word) mental and physical disorders as pathological phenomena originating in harmful social conditions. To this end the workshop seeks to facilitate a critical exchange on the different ways in which these five disciplines – all of which seek to understand and impact on human behavior and wellbeing – link psychological suffering and physical pain to each other and to the social conditions in which they arise. Though the methods used in these five disciplines to identify, interpret, measure and treat psychological suffering and bodily pain may vary, and though the actual phenomena to which they direct their expertise may differ from one another, they all claim jurisdiction over some forms of human pain and suffering and they all suggest treatments or offer remedies for them. This Workshop is a joint collaboration of Goethe University at Frankfurt and Tel Aviv University.


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