The Reconstructed Trademark Registry of Mandate Palestine is on air!

We are delighted to announce the conclusion of a unique project, of reconstructing the trademark registry of Mandate Palestine, 1917-1948, open and free

18 January 2024
The Reconstructed Trademark Registry of Mandate Palestine

The Reconstructed Trademark Registry of Mandate Palestine is on air!

We are delighted to announce the conclusion of a unique project, of reconstructing the trademark registry of Mandate Palestine, 1917-1948, open and free for academic uses here.

The original registry was lost; the Israeli PTO has partial data about trademark applications from the British Mandate that were valid in Israel, and contains about 20% of the original registry. Hence the need to reconstruct the Registry. With a team of research assistants, and over 12 years, Prof. Michael Birnhack has reconstructed the registry. The sources were the publications of the trademark applications, which were gathered, data was extracted from each, aggregated, the trademarks extracted with a specially developed technological feature, and now made available.

Trademark data provide a surprisingly and under-explored reflection of the economy in Mandate Palestine, with its divided (Jewish-Arab) structure, as well as the level of competition within specific markets. The Registry facilitates such studies, as well as semiotic analyses, and studies of the history of design, typography and more.

The reconstructed registry enables searches by applicant names, applicant’s country, trademark class, industry, languages used, design, contents, and more.


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