Good luck to Faculty Team participating in Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition!

The Competition is a simulation of a hypothetical dispute between countries before the International Court of Justice, the judicial organ of the United Nations

26 November 2017

We are thrilled to announce the Faculty's participation in the Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, the largest mooting competition in the world.

The Competition is a simulation of a hypothetical dispute between countries before the International Court of Justice, the judicial organ of the United Nations. It is organized by the International Law Students Association (ILSA), a non-profit association of students and lawyers dedicated to the promotion of international law.

This is the first time TAU Law is participating. The Qualifying Round will take place against the Hebrew University in February 2018. The winning team will go on to represent Israel in the Jessup Cup World Championship Round in Washington DC in April 2018.

Participation requires an enormous amount of work for the students and a substantial time commitment, both to prepare the written pleadings and to prepare and practice for oral argument. We would like to thank our wonderful students for their hard work: Mayar Darawshe, Shira Hauzer, Maya Ashkenazi, Vini Mostovoy and Noam Morris.

We are also grateful to team coaches Dr. Tamar Megiddo and Adv. Mirjam Streng, and to Dr. Doreen Lustig, the team’s academic advisor. We'll be keeping our fingers crossed!

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