Ofer Grosskopf

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Ofer  Grosskopf


Professor Ofer Grosskopf holds an LL.B. (1991) from Tel-Aviv University, an LL.M. (1999) from Harvard Law School, and SJD (1999) (with distinction) from Tel-Aviv University; he also holds two degrees in economics, B.A (1990) and M.A. (1992) from Tel-Aviv University. He currently serves as the Vice-Dean of the law faculty, and is also a member of the Israeli Standard Contracts Tribunal. Professor Grosskopf’s research interests include Contracts, Property, Unjust Enrichment, Secured Transactions, and Economic Analysis of Law. He authored two books in Hebrew entitled Protection of Competition Rules Via the Law of Unjust Enrichment (2002) and Charges Over Obligation (with Nina Zaltzman, 2006) and published more than twenty articles in Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany.

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