Avraham Tabbach joined TAU Law Faculty in 2004. He serves as the academic director of the Tel-Aviv-Berkeley Executive LLM Program and as an associate editor of the International Review of Law and Economics (IRLE). He served also as a board member of the European Association of Law and Economics (2016-2022). In 2006 Tabbach won the Zeltner Prize of Young Scholars. He also won the American Law and Economics Prize for the best paper twice (2017 and 2020). From 2011 to 2013 Tabbach was visiting Amsterdam Center of Law and Economics (ACLE) at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Tabbach received his LLB from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1997) and LLM (2000) and JSD (2003) from the University of Chicago Law School, where he was also a Fulbright Fellow and an Olin Scholar in Law and Economics. He teaches Taxation, Corporate Finance and various courses in Law and Economics. His research focuses on law enforcement, torts, taxation, corporate finance and recently litigation. Tabbach’s recent publications include: "The Option Value of Record-Based Sanctions" (2023) Games and Economic Behavior, 137, pp. 1-22. (with Shmuel Leshem); "Judgment-Contingent Penalties: Signaling in Negative Expected-Value Suits" (forthcoming, 2023) Journal of Legal Studies (with Shay Lavie); The Optimal Use of Fines and Imprisonment Revisited" (forthcoming 2023) American Law and Economics Review (with Massimo D'Antoni and Tim Friehe).
Prof. Avraham Tabbach

Research Interests and Teaching
Game Theory, Law and Economics, Taxation, Public Finance, Corporate Finance, Torts and Criminal Law.
Academic Appointments
Representative Publications
1. “Judgement Contingent Settlements”
The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization (2020) 36(1) 170-206 (with Shay Lavie)
2. “The Complementary Role of Liability and Safety Regulation
American Law and Economics Review (2019) 21(1): 150-183, (with Massimo D’Antoni),
Winner of American Law and Economics Association Prize for Best paper.
3. “A comparison of simple action-based and outcome-based policies for emergency-like situations”
Mathematical Social Sciences (2018) Vol. 92 (C) pp. 22-34 (with Tim Friehe)
4. “Tax-Losses Mechanisms”
The University of Chicago Law Review, (2014) Vol. 81 pp. 1509-1567 (with Jacob Nussim).
5. “Executive Stock Options: The Effects of Manipulation on Risk Taking”
Journal of Corporation Law 38 (3) 2013) (with Sharon Hannes).
6. “Commitment versus Flexibility in Enforcement Games”
B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics (Contributions) (2012) 12(1) 1935-1704 (with Shmuel Leshem).
7. “Willingness to Pay, Death, Wealth, and Damages”
American Law and Economics Review (2011) 13(1), 45-103. (with Ariel Porat)
8. “The Social Desirability of Punishment Avoidance”
The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization (2010) Vol. 26(2), pp. 265-289.
9. “Deterrence and Avoidance”
International Review of Law and Economics (2009) 29(4), 314-323 (with Jacob Nussim).
10. Criminal Behavior, Sanctions, And Income Taxation: An Economic Analysis”
The Journal of Legal Studies (2003) Vol. 32 (2), pp. 383-406.