Anat is a Ph.D. candidate at the Zvi Meitar Center for Advanced Legal Studies. supervised by Prof. Yishai Blank. Her research interests include constitutional and administrative law, legal history and democratic theory.
Anat holds a B.A. from the Honors Program in Humanities and Arts (magna cum laude), an LL.B. in law (magna cum laude) and an M.A in history (summa cum laude) from Tel Aviv University. Her M.A thesis, supervised by Prof. Yael Sternhell, focused on legal proceedings concerning racial segregation in the American South. During her studies, Anat served as a student Editor-in-Chief of TAU Law Review ("Iyunei Mishpat") as well as a research and teaching assistant in various fields. She had also worked in the Office of Legal Counsel & Legislative Affairs at the Israeli Ministry of Justice (Department of Public-Constitutional Law). Prior to starting her Ph.D., Anat completed her legal internship at the Israeli Supreme Court, where she clerked for Justice Daphne Barak-Erez. She currently teaches a course on legal and academic writing and serves as a co-editor of the ICON-S-IL blog.