Sharon Bassan

Sharon Bassan
Office: Ornstein - Chemistry


A bioethicist and a lawyer whose main expertise is health law and bio-ethics, especially health rights, reproductive ethics, genetics, and globalization. At the moment, a Ph.D. student at Tel Aviv University writing a dissertation on fertility tourism. Holds  LL.B. and LL.M. degrees from the University of Haifa.

In addition to her professional experience, Sharon initiated and manages, for the second year, a discussion group on women and health.


Research Interests

Bioethics, Health law, globalization, human rights, reproductive ethics, women's right, global justice, law and society.




2009-2013             PhD student, Faculty of Law, The Zvi Meitar Center for Advanced Legal Studies, Tel Aviv University, under the supervision of Prof. Aeyal Gross, Prof. Jan Helge Solbakk. Topic: Fertility Tourism in the era of globalization.


2002-2006                    Masters, Faculty of Law, University of Haifa, under the supervision of Dr. Amnon Reichman. Topic: Shortage and Commodification - Reimbursed Egg Donation from a Donor who is Not Going Through IVF Treatment (graded 92).


1994-1998             Law studies, University of Haifa, cum laude, Dean honor student


Academic and Professional Experience

2007 - 2009           Academic researcher, legal department, Israeli Medical Association in health, law and bioethics

·         Independent research on bioethics, medical professionalism, health policies, health rights, medical tourism.

·         Updated the association ethical code

·         Coordinating the association’s input for new legislation, such as egg donation, organ donation, cord blood banks

2001 - 2006           Legal researcher, academic - theoretic and empirical research, Unit for Genetic Policy and Bio-ethics, former Unit for Health Rights and Ethics, Gertner Institute for Epidemiology and Health Policy Research.

·         Research team member, bioethics, health rights, genetics, and reproduction

·         legal/ethical counseling for committees that propose health and women related regulation

·         Coordinated a group concerning social justice and health rights



Bassan S, Future Implications of Germ line Therapy – Moral Aspects, 18 The Journal of Medicine and Law, 23 (2003) [in Hebrew].


Bassan S, Health Rights and Intellectual Property Rights: Pharmaceutical Companies suing the Government of South Africa in Reaction to “The Medication Act”, 30 The Journal of Medicine and Law, 118 (2004) [in Hebrew].


Golan O and Bassan S, Artificial Feeding at the End of Life, 31 The Journal of Medicine and Law, 41 (2004) [in Hebrew].


Bassan S, Nursing Regulations, The Health System in Israel, The Treatment of a Patient at the End of Life, in Completion of Knowledge for the Function of a Certified Nurse in Israel, Advanced Nursing Training Center [in Hebrew].


Bassan S, Information Concerning the Right to Complain – Another Stage on the Way to Patient Empowerment, 40 The Journal of Medicine and Law 24 (June 2009) [in Hebrew].


Bassan S, Transparency and Ethics in Expert Governance of reproductive Policy, online publication (2011) [in Hebrew].


Bassan, Sharon & Merle A. Michaelsen, Honeymoon, Medical Treatment or Big Business? An Analysis of the Meanings of the Term “Reproductive Tourism” in German and Israeli Public Media Discourses, 8 Phil., Ethics & Hum. in Med. 9 (2013).


Bassan S, Context Matters! Why Terms of Transaction As Well As Autonomy Should Be Analyzed in the Context of Low Income Countries, forthcoming, Am. J. Bioethics (April, 2014).

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