Hila Shamir is a Professor of Law at Tel-Aviv University Faculty of Law. She earned a S.J.D. and LL.M. from Harvard Law School and a LL.B. from Tel-Aviv University. Shamir teaches and researches in the fields of Employment, Labor, Immigration, and Welfare Law with a focus on issues of human trafficking, gender equality, informal work, and the law of global value chains. Shamir has taught at Toronto Faculty of Law, Georgetown Law School, UC Berkeley, Cornell Law School, and at the Harvard University Department of Government, and was a distinguished visiting scholar at the Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies at UC Berkeley (2014-16). Shamir served as Associate Dean of Academic and student Affairs at TAU Law (2017-18). She received an European Research Council (ERC) grant to pursue research on a Labor Approach to Human Trafficking (TraffLab, 2018-2023), seeking to shift anti-trafficking policy, research and discourse, away from the predominant criminal law, border control, and human rights model, and towards a labor based approach to human trafficking that will be primarily focused on the bargaining power disparities that create vulnerability to trafficking. Her research was nominated as a finalist for the ERC Public Engagement with Research Award 2022. Shamir is also the recipient of the Fattal Prize for excellence in legal research (2022), the Cheshin Prize for Academic Excellence in Law for Young Scholar (2018), the Zeltner Prize for Excellence in Research for Junior Legal Scholars (2014). She also recevied several grants including a EU Marie Curie Reintegration Grant, the Alon Scholarship for outstanding junior faculty, and research grants from the Israeli Science Foundation and the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology, and a Fulbright fellowship. Shamir was a member of the Israeli Young Academy (2018-2022). Prior to her graduate studies Shamir served as a law clerk to Justice E. Mazza of the Israeli Supreme Court. Her recent publications include an edited volume on Bilateral Labor Agreements (Theoretical Inquiries in Law vol 22(2)), and the books Governance Feminism: An Introduction (2018, Minnesota U. Press) and Governance Feminism: Notes from the Field (2019, Minnesota U. Press), the first co-authored and the second co-edited with Janet Halley, Prabha Kotiswaran and Rachel Rebouche. She is currently working on a forthcoming edited volume, to be published with Cambridge University Press, on “Modern Slavery and Global Value Chains” (Forthcoming 2023).
Prof. Hila Shamir

Research Interests and Teaching
Human Trafficking, Immigration Law, Labor and Employment Law, Global Value Chains, Feminist Legal Thought.
2008 |
S.J.D., Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA |
2005 |
LL.M., Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA |
2003 |
LL.B., (magna cum laude) Tel-Aviv University Faculty of Law, Israel |
Academic Appointments
2009-Present |
Buchman Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University Courses: Labor and Employment Law, Welfare Law, Law and Distribution in the Welfare state, Legal Reforms: Towards Gender Equality, Workers’ Rights Legal Clinic. |
Winter, 2022 | University of Toronto Faculty of Law, Visiting Professor Seminar: Human Trafficking: A Labor Approach |
Fall, 2019 |
Georgetown University Law School, Visiting Professor |
2015-2016 |
UC Berkeley, Visiting Professor |
2014-2015 |
UC Berkeley, Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the Berkeley Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies |
Fall, 2012 |
Cornell University Law School, Visiting Professor |
2006 |
Harvard University, Department of Government, Lecturer |
Representative Publications
Yuval Livnat & Hila Shamir, Gaining Control? Bilateral Labor Agreements and The Shared Interest of Sending and Receiving Countries to Control Migrant Workers and the Illicit Migration Industry, 23(2) Theoretical Inquiries in Law 65 (2022).
Inga K. Thiemann & Hila Shamir, A Socio-Legal Analysis of Reforms in the Regulation of Sex Work: the Case Study of End Demand Legislation in Israel, 2(1) International Journal of Gender, Sexuality and the Law 19 (2022).
Hila Shamir, A Labor Approach to Human Trafficking: 20 Years to the International Attempt to Address Human Trafficking, 44 Iyunei Mishpat – Tel Aviv University Law Review 377-482 (2021) – Special Symposium dedicated to the article. [Heb.]
Maayan Niezna, Yahel Kurlander, Hila Shamir, Underlying Conditions: The Commodification of Migrant Workers Under COVID-19, 6(2) Journal of Modern Slavery 133 (2021).
Feminist Approaches to the Regulation of Sex Work: Patterns in Transnational Governance Feminist Law Making, 52 Cornell International Law Journal 177 (2019).
Janet Halley, Prabha Kotiswaran, Rachel Rebouche & Hila Shamir eds., GOVERNANCE FEMINISM: NOTES FROM THE FIELD (Minnesota University Press,2019)
Anti-trafficking in Israel: Nationalism, Borders, and Markets, in Janet Halley, Prabha Kotiswaran, Rachel Rebouche & Hila Shamir, GOVERNANCE FEMINISM: AN INTRODUCTION (Minnesota University Press,2018)
Questioning Market Aversion in Gender Equality Strategies: Designing Legal Mechanisms for the Promotion of Gender Equality in the Family and the Market, 27(3) Cornell J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 717 (2018). Co-authored with: Tsilly Dagan and Ayelet Carmeli.
The Paradox of 'LegalityTemporary Migrant Worker Programs and Vulnerability to Trafficking in Prabha Kotiswaran (ed.) Revisiting the Law and Governance of Trafficking Forced Labor, and Modern Slavery 471 (Cambridge University Press, 2017).
Regulating Sex Work: Looking Favorably at the Gap Between the Law in the Books and the Law in Action, in Regulations 121 (eds. David Levi-Faur, Yishai Blank, Issachar Rosen-Zvi, 2016) [Hebrew]
Unionizing Subcontracted Labor, 17 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 229 (2016) (guest editors: Hila Shamir and Guy Mundlak).
The Public/Private Distinction Now: The Challenges of Privatization and of the Regulatory State, 15 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 1 (2014)
Privatization: The State, the Market, and What’s In Between, 35 Iyunei Mishpat – Tel-Aviv University Law Review 747 (2013) [Hebrew]
A Labor Paradigm for Human Trafficking, 60 UCLA Law Review 76 (2012)
About not Knowing: Thoughts on Schwab and Heise’s Splitting Logs: An Empirical Perspective on Employment Discrimination Settlements, 96 Cornell Law Review 957(2011)
Bringing Together or Drifting Apart? Targeting Domestic Work as "Work Like no Other" 23 Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 289 (2011) Co-authored with Guy Mundlak
The State of Care: Rethinking the Distributive Effects of Familial Care Policies in Liberal Welfare States, 58 American Journal of Comparative Law 953 (2010)
Between Home and Work: Assessing the Distributive Effects of Employment Law in Markets of Care,Assessing the Distributive Effects of Employment Law in Markets of Care, 30(2) Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law, 404 (2010)
From the International to the Local in Feminist Legal Responses to Rape, Prostitution/ Sex Work and Sex Trafficking: Four Studies in Contemporary Governance Feminism, Co-authored with Janet Halley, Prabha Kotiswaran, & Chantal Thomas, with separate monographic sections by each co-author, 29(2)Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 335 (2006)