How Twitter Pushed Stakeholders Under The Bus, Stanford Journal of Law, Business & Finance (2023), Forthcoming (with Lucian A. Bebchuk & Anna Toniolo)
How Much Do Investors Care about Social Responsibility, Wisconsin Law Review (2023), Forthcoming (with Scott Hirst & Tamar Kricheli-Katz)
Superstar CEOs and Corporate Governance, Washington University Law Review (2023), Forthcoming (with Assaf Hamdani)
Stakeholder Capitalism in the Time of COVID, Yale Journal on Regulation (2023), Forthcoming (with Lucian A. Bebchuk & Roberto Tallarita)
The Rise of Bankruptcy Directors, Southern California Law Review (2022), Forthcoming (with Jared Elias and Ehud Kamar)
Lucian Bebchuk and the Study of Corporate Governance, Chicago Law Review (2021)
- Prepared for an upcoming issue of The University of Chicago Law Review on the most-cited legal scholars
The Corporate Governance Gap, Yale Law Journal (2022), Forthcoming (with Yaron Nili)
For Whom Corporate Leaders Bargain, Southern California Law Review (2021), Forthcoming (with Lucian Bebchuk and Roberto Tallarita)
The Giant Shadow of Corporate Gadflies, 94 Southern California Law Review (2021), Forthcoming (with Yaron Nili)
Competing for Votes, 10 Harvard Business Law Review (2020) (with Yaron Nili)
Long Term Bias, Incentives, and Agency Costs, Columbia Business Law Review (2020)
- Invited comment to Michal Barzuza and Eric Talley’s article, Long-Term Bias.
Corporate Governance by Index Exclusion, 99 Boston University Law Review 1229-78 (2019) (with Scott Hirst)
The Perils of Small-Minority Controllers, Georgetown Law Journal (2019), Forthcoming (with Lucian A. Bebchuk)
Global Antitakeover Devices, 36 Yale Journal on Regulation 117-164 (2018) (with Adi Libson)
The 'Hidden' Tax Cost of Executive Compensation, 70 Stanford Law Review Online 179 (2018) (with Noam Noked)
The Untenable Case for Perpetual Dual-class Stock, Virginia Law Review (2017), Forthcoming
(with Lucian A. Bebchuk)
“Captured Boards”: The Rise of "Super Directors" and the Case for a Board Suite, Wisconsin Law Review (2017), Forthcoming (with Yaron Nili)
- Won the Best Paper Award, Weinberg Center’s 2017 Corporate Governance Symposium
In Search of the “Absent Shareholders”: A New Solution to Retail Investors’ Apathy, 41 Delaware Journal of Corporate Law 55 (2016) (with Yaron Nili)
Against All Odds: Hedge Fund Activism in Controlled Companies, 16 Columbia Business Law Review 60 (2016)
- Won the HLS Victor Brudney Prize for an outstanding paper in the area of corporate law
Executive Compensation in Controlled Companies, 90 Indiana Law Journal 1,131 (2015)
- Won the HLS John M. Olin Prize for an outstanding paper in the area of law & economics
Publications in Hebrew:
Will Shareholders Save the Planet?, Tel Aviv University Law Review (2024) (with Jonathan Bukshpan)
Towards Adoption of Business Judgement Rule in Cooperatives? Comments following the Kfar Bialik Case, in Salim Joubran Book (2023) (with Shani Weiss & Shai Noam)
Nomination of Directors in Israel: Theory, Evidence, Policy, Hebrew University Law Review (2022) (with Asaf Eckstein)
Derivative Lawsuits in Israel, Law & Business (2021), Forthcoming (with Assaf Hamdani and Maayan Weisman)
- Invited Article for a special volume celebrating 10 years to the Economic Division
Diffused Ownership, Control and Director Appointments by Institutional Investors, Colman Law Review (2021), Forthcoming (with Assaf Hamdani)
- Invited Article for a special volume celebrating 20 years to Israeli Companies Law
Authority without Liability? A Response to Proposal to Eliminate Officers' Liability under Insolvency Law, 43 Tel Aviv Law Review (2020) (with Ehud Kamar)
Calculating Expectation Damages in Risk-Intensive Ventures, 47 Hebrew University Law Review 413 (2018), (with Yotam Kaplan).