Prof. Alon Klement

Faculty of Law
מנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Alon Klement
Phone: 03-6406633
Office: Trubowicz - Law, 432


Prof. Klement earned his LLB in Law and BA in Economics and was a member of the Disciplinary Program for oustanding students in Tel Aviv University. After practicing law for several years in a private law firm in Israel  he went to Harvard where he earned his SJD degree.  He was a fellow at the Harvard Program on Negotiation and has taught at the Harvard college and at the Law school's graduate program.

In 2000 he joined the law faculty at IDC Herzliya, where he founded the Class Action Clinic. In recent years he has visited and taught at Columbia University, Boston University and University of Texas at Austin in the U.S., and at the Universities of Bologna, Italy, Lion, France, and Vienna, Austria. 

In 2015 he joined the Tel-Aviv law faculty, and since 2017 he serves as the Director of the Cegla Center for Interdisciplinary Research of the Law (the largest legal research center in Israel). 

Prof. Klement writes on various subjects in the fields of Civil Procedure, Law and Economics and Law and Social Norms. He specializes in Class Actions, on which he has published most of his articles. He has published in leading law reviews and peer reviewed journals, both in the U.S. and in Israel, and his articles were cited by  the Supreme Court of Israel as well as numerous Appellate Courts' decisions. His publications in English include Internationl Review of Law and EconomicsJournal of Law Economics and OrganizationCalifornia Law Review, Journal of Legal Studies, Journal of Empirical Legal StudiesStanford Law Review, and Texas Law Review.

Research Interests and Teaching

Civil Procedure, Class Actions, Law and Economics, Private International Law




Tel-Aviv University, LLB (Law) & B.A. (Economics)


Harvard Law School, LLM


Harvard Law School, SJD


Academic Appointments

Since 2015

Professor of Law,  Tel-Aviv University


Professor of Law,  Radzyner Law School, IDC Herzliya Visiting Professor

Spring 2006

Visiting Professor, Bologna University, Erasmus Mundus Law and Economics Program


Advisor to the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee,

Subcommittee on Class Actions, The Knesset (Israeli Parliament),

Fall 2008

Visiting Professor, Columbia Law School

Spring 2009

Visiting Professor, Boston University School of Law

Spring 2011       

Visiting Professor, Université Jean Moulin, Lyon 3

Spring 2015

Visiting Professor, University of Texas, Austin

Fall 2018

 Visiting Professor, Georgetown University


Full CV

Representative Publications

  1. "Incentive Structures for Class Action Lawyers" (with Zvika Neeman), 20 Journal of Law, Economics & Organization, 102-124 (2004).
  2. "The Class Defense" (with Assaf Hamdani), 93 California Law Review, 685-741 (2005).
  3. “Against Compromise: A Mechanism Design Approach” (with Zvika Neeman), 21 Journal of Law, Economics & Organization 285-314 (2005)
  4. "The Economics of Stigma: Why More Detection of Crime May Result in Less Stigmatization" (with Alon Harel), 36 Journal of Legal Studies 355 (2007).
  5. "Corporate Crime and Deterrence" (with Assaf Hamdani), 61 Stanford Law Review 271 (2008)
  6. "Class Action Settlements and Voluntary Dismissals", 41 Mishpatim, The Hebrew University Law Journal 5 (2011) (in Hebrew)
  7. "Does Information about Arbitrators' Win/Loss Ratios Improve Their Accuracy?" (with Zvika Neeman), 42 Journal of Legal Studies 369 (2013).
  8. "Changing the Litigation Game: An Ex-Ante Perspective on Contractualized Procedures" (with Daphna Kapeliuk), 91 Texas L. Rev. 1475 (2013).
  9.  "Loss Causation in Securities Class Actions" (with Sharon Hannes), 35 Iyuney Mishpat, The Tel-Aviv University Law Journal 639 (2013) (in Hebrew)
  10. "Reliance, Causation and Damages in Consumer Class Actions" (with Yuval Procaccia), 37 Iyuney Mishpat, The Tel-Aviv University Law Journal  7 (2014)
  11. "Judicial Decision Making: A Dynamic Reputation Approach" (with Alma Cohen and Zvika Neeman), 44 Journal of Legal Studies S133 (2015)
  12. "Cost Benefit Analysis of Class Actions" (with Keren Weinshall-Margel), 172 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 75 (2016)
  13. "Class Actions in the U.S. and Israel: A Comparative Approach" (with Robert Klonoff), 19 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 151 (2018)
  14. "Consumer Fraud, Misrepresentation, and Reliance" (with Zvika Neeman and Yuval Procaccia), 54 International Review of Law and Economics 95 (2018)
  15. "In-Kind Transfers and the Law of Torts" (with Assaf Jacov and Yuval Procaccia), 47 Journal of Legal Studies 181 (2018)
  16. "Diffusion of Legal Innovations: The Case of Israeli Class Actions" (with Chrisoph Engel and Keren Weinshall-Margel), 15 Journal of Empircial Legal Studies 708 (2018)
  17. Auctioning Class Action Representation” (with Zvika Neeman and Ofir Moran) forthcoming Journal of Law, Economics and Organization (2021)
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