Doreen Lustig is a tenured, Associate Professor at Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Law. She teaches and researches in the fields of international law, global governance, constitutional law and climate change. She earned her J.S.D and L.L.M from NYU Law School where she won the 2005 Hauser Research Scholar Fellowship and served as a former IILJ Scholar (Institute of International Law and Justice). She also holds an LL.B. degree (magna cum laude) and B.A degree in sociology and anthropology from Tel Aviv University. Prior to joining Tel Aviv University she clerked for The Honorable Eliezer Rivlin, Justice of the Supreme Court of Israel. She won the 2019 Zeltner Prize in the category of junior legal scholar. Lustig was the Chief Editor of the Tel Aviv U. Law Review and serves as Member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of International Law.
Dr. Doreen Lustig
Research Interests and Teaching
Doreen Lustig teaches international law, constitutional law (1L), global governance and constitutional theory. Her research integrates history, political theory and legal theory. Her current research focuses on the Climate Crisis; Transnational Tort Litigation; the History and Theory of the Peace Movement.
Education | |
2012 | J.S.D., New York University Law School |
2007 | L.L.M., New York University Law School |
2004 | LLB and a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Anthropology, Tel Aviv University |
Academic Appointments | |
2025-2026 | Visiting Professor, New York University School of Law |
2023-2024 | Visiting Fellow, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics (LSE) |
2018 | Visitor Professor, University of Toronto Law School |
2018-Present | Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law |
2012-2018 |
Lecturer, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law
Representative Publications
Reviewed in: Filip Batselé, Leiden Journal of International Law (2021), P. Sean Morris, The Asian Journal of International Law (2021); Christopher A. Casey, The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (LPICT) (2021); Peter A. Muchlinski, the Law and History Review (2021); Joseph H. H. Weiler, Favourite Readings 2021 – 10 Good Reads, EJIL Talk! (2021); Karen Alter, American Journal of International Law (2023)
The Oxford Handbook on Global Corporations and International Law (Andreas Kulick, Doreen Lustig and Andrew Sanger eds., forthcoming 2027).
Articles and Book Chapters
Conceptualizing The Global Corporation, The Oxford Handbook on Global Corporations and International Law (Andreas Kulick, Doreen Lustig and Andrew Sanger eds., forthcoming 2027)
Net-Zero Democracy, 25 Theoretical Inquiries in Law (forthcoming, 2025)
"We the Majority...": The Israeli Nationality Basic Law, 25 Israel Studies 256 (2020).
Book Reviews
Rivka Brot, In the Grey Zone: The Jewish Kapo and the Law, Tel Aviv U.L. Rev. Forum (2020) [Hebrew]
Jewish Human Rights, Review of James Loeffler, Rooted Cosmopolitans: Jews and Human Rights in the Twentieth Century (Yale UP, 2018), Lawfare (December, 2018)
Beyond Sovereignty: International Human Rights as Experience, 15 Jerus. Rev. L. Stud. 89 (2017)