Matan Pasternak

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Matan is a PhD Candidate at the Zvi Meitar Center for Advanced Law Studies at the Faculty of Law at Tel Aviv University. His doctoral dissertation, entitled: "THE OPTIMAL TIMING AND COURSE OF ACTION FOR CREDITORS OF DISTRESSED COMPANIES IN ISRAEL - THEORETICAL AND EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS" is supervised by Prof. Omri Yadlin.


Matan's dissertation will review and examine the various courses of action available to creditors of distressed companies. the study will focus on the Israeli market, a market that is characterized by centralized ownership of companies. The study combines extensive theoretical research that deals, among other things, with the over-investment problem, and empirical research based on a database of public companies in Israel that have violated covenants in the last fifteen years. The study will establish and show the full scope of interests and conflicts creditors in Israel might face when the borrower faces difficulties that allows insolvency, and may indicate, on an empirical basis, failures in the decision-making of creditors in Israel.


Matan holds a double bachelor's degree in law (LL.B.) and accounting (2014), as well as an accelerated master's degree (LL.M) in commercial law (cum laude) all from Tel Aviv University.
Matan is an attorney (since 2015) and an accountant (since 2017) who served his internship in the Chambers of the honorable judge Magen Altovia and in the accounting firm Deloitte, and worked in a variety of positions in hedge funds and the Israeli capital market (from analyst to CEO of hedge funds).
Matan has been teaching at Sapir College since 2014, where he is an Adjunct lecturer of "Securities Regulation" for LL.B students.

Areas of Interest - Insolvency Law, Securities Law, Corporate Law, Contract Law, Tax Law, Commercial Law.


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