Prof. Sharon Hannes

Faculty of Law
מנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Sharon Hannes
Phone: 03-6408652
Fax: 03-6407260
Office: Trubowicz - Law, דקאן


Sharon Hannes is a Professor of Law and the previous Dean of the Faculty (2017-2022). He also previously served as the Academic Director of the Cegla Center for Interdisciplinary Research of the Law (the largest legal research center in Israel) and was also the Editor in Chief of the journal Theoretical Inquiries in Law. During the years 2004-2014 he was the Academic Director of the Tel-Aviv - Berkeley Executive LL.M. Program in Commercial Law, a joint program of Tel-Aviv University and U.C. Berkeley.


Professor Hannes received his S.J.D. in Corporate and Financial Law from Harvard Law School, where he was the recipient of the Byse Fellowship (2001), and the E. David Fishman Scholarship. He completed his LL.M. in Corporate Law at NYU School of Law, where he was a Hauser Global Scholar. 


Prof. Hannes is a TAU alumnus. In 1997 he received his LLB degree in Law and a BA degree in Accounting.


Professor Hannes was a Visiting Professor in the Fall of 2003, and during 2008-2009 at Northwestern University School of Law, during the Fall of 2011 and 2016 at Columbia Law School, during the Fall of 2014 at Georgetown, and during the Fall of 2023 at Cornell Law School.

Research Interests and Teaching

Corporate Law Policy and Corporate Finance, Managers Remuneration and Incentive Pay, Corporate Control Contests, Securities Regulation, Law & Economics



2001 S.J.D. in Corporate and Financial Law at Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA (Byse Fellow).
1999 LL.M. (Corporate Law) at New York University School of Law, New York, NY (Hauser Global Scholar) (Highest GPA in the 1999 class).
1997 LL.B. (magna cum laude), Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University (1th in a class of 416).
1997 B.A. (magna cum laude), Faculty of Management and Accounting, Tel Aviv University (2nd in a class of 200).


Academic Appointments

Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University
2017- 2022 Dean of the Law Faculty
2011- 2017 Director, The Cegla Center for Interdisciplinary Research of the law
2011-2017 Editor in Chief, Theoretical Inquiries in Law  
2014 - Present Full Professor 
2007- 2014 Associate Professor (Tenured)
2009 - 2011 Vice-Dean of Faculty of Law
2005 - 2007 Senior Lecturer (Tenured)
2001 - 2005 Lecturer (Tenure Track)


Georgetown University Law Center

Fall 2014                      Visiting Professor    

Bologna University Faculty of Economics 

Fall 2013                      Visiting Professor

Columbia Law School, New York, NY

Fall 2011 & Fall 2016

Visiting Professor


Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, IL

2008-2009; Fall 2003 Visiting Professor


Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA

Spring 2000 Conducted a Game Theory Workshop for Graduate Students


Full CV

Representative Publications

"The Best of Both Worlds: Compensation via Price-Caps for Passed-On Overcharges", 13 Journal of Legal Analysis, 1-42 (with Barak Yarkoni, Roy Shalem) (2021)


"Institutional Investors, Activist Funds and Ownership Structure”, Research Handbook on Comparative Corporate Governance (with Assaf Hamdani) (forthcoming, 2020).


"The Death of Corporate Law", 94 New York University Law Review, 263 (with Zohar Goshen) (2019).


"The Future of Shareholder Activism", 99 Boston University Law Review, 971 (with Assaf Hamdani) (2019).


"Entire Fairness! Reconsidering Judicial Review of Self-Dealing Transactions" 47 Hebrew University Law Review, 761 (with Assaf Hamdani) (2018) (in Hebrew).


"Loss Causation and Damages in Securities Fraud Class Actions", 35 Tel Aviv Law Review, 693-702 (with A.  Klement) (2013) (in Hebrew)


"Compensating for Executive Compensation: The Case for Gatekeeper Incentive Pay", 98 California Law Review, 385-437 (2010)


"Legal Narratives of Murder in the Literature: Fictions that Illuminate Reality", 5 Haifa Law Review 47-118 (with N. Hannes) (2010) (in Hebrew)


"Reverse Monitoring: On the Hidden Role of Employee Stock Ownership Plans", 105 Michigan Law Review (2007)


"The Market for Takeover Defenses", 101 Northwestern University Law Review (2007)


"A Demand-Side Theory of Antitakeover Defenses" 35 Journal of Legal Studies 475 (2006)



Full CV


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