Prof. Aeyal Gross, Prof. Shai Lavi
Smadar Ben Natan
I am a PhD student, under the supervision of Prof. Shai Lavi and Prof. Aeyal Gross. My research project is titled "Judging the enemy" and seeks to examine the ways by which countries criminally prosecute their enemies. The research will be comparative and qualitative, comparing trials of enemies to trials of non-enemies in several jurisdictions, in terms of substantial law, procedure, evidence, the use of special courts and tribunals, etc.
My MA dissertation, 'The Honey Trap: The Application of Israeli law in the Military Courts of the Occupied Palestinian Territory' examined the judicial policy of applying Israeli law to Palestinian defendants in the military courts of the West Bank, and its impact on fair trial rights.
I am a human rights and criminal defense lawyer, and have litigated many state security cases and torture cases.
Research Interests
Human rights, international and transnational law, criminal justice (fair trial rights, juvenile justice), military courts and tribunals, torture, feminism, immigration and asylum, the legal profession and role of lawyers.
LLB, 1995, Tel-Aviv University.
MSt, 2010, International Human Rights Law, University of Oxford, with distinction.
Academic and Professional Experience
A prominent lawyer in the fields of human rights, criminal law and public law, specializing in human rights litigation, political trials, immigration and asylum, torture, prisoners' rights and feminist litigation, as well as consulting and report writing for human rights organizations.
Between 2003-2008 I headed the Israeli Bar Association Committee on women's rights, and was cited twice as one of the 50 most influential women in Israel.
I am the Co-founder, with Rela Mazali, of Gun Free Kitchen Tables, an Israeli feminist initiative to counter small arms proliferation and its gendered violence.
I initiated and taught a few professional training programs for lawyers, One of them for Palestinian lawyers on the law in the Israeli military courts; another one in Uganda about litigation of torture cases.
In 2004-2005 I taught a course titled 'Between Obscenity and Pornography' in the Academic College of Law and Business, Ramat-Gan.
I gave several lectures in International conferences and in Israel, about various legal issues relating to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
The applicable law in Israeli military courts (co-editor), sourcebook for practicing lawyers (Arabic, Hebrew - 2008, English - 2010)
Since He is a Patriot, in Hacker and Ziv, eds., Does Law Matter? Tel-Aviv University Law Faculty Press (2010) (in Hebrew)
Are There Prisoners in this War? in Baker and Matar, eds., Threat: Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israel, Pluto Press (2011)
Freedom of Speech, Racism and Pornography: a Comment on the Playboy Channel Decision, in Hertzog and Shadmy, eds., Blood Money: Prostitution, Sex Trafficking and Pornography in Israel, Pardes (2013) (in Hebrew)
Justice by One's Peers? The Application of Israeli Law in the Military Courts of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Theory and Criticism, Van-Leer institute (peer reviewed, forthcoming, 2014) (in Hebrew)