Law and Health
Prof. Aeyal Gross (selected publications; full list)
Aeyal Gross, Health in Israel: Between A Right and A Commodity, Social and Economic Rights in Israel 437-531 (Yuval Shany and Yoram Rabin, eds., Ramot, 2004). [Hebrew]
Aeyal Gross, The Right to Health in an Era of Privatisation and Globalisation: National and International Perspectives, Daphne Barak-Erez & Aeyal Gross, Exploring Social Rights 289-339 (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2007).
Colleen Flood and Aeyal Gross (eds)., The Right to health at the Public/Private Divide: A Global comparative Study (Cambridge University Press, 2014, 492 pp)
Aeyal Gross, Is there a Human Right to Private Health Care, 41 Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics (2013) 138-146.
Aeyal Gross, In Search of the Right to Health in Israeli Constitutional Law, In Aharon Barak, Daphne Barak-Erez and Gideo Sapir., eds. Israeli Constitutional Law at a Crossroads 311-331(Hart, 2013)
Colleen Flood & Aeyal Gross, Litigating the Right to Health: What Can We Learn From a Comparative Law and Health Care Systems Approach, 16 Health and Human Rights [Harvard] (2014) 62-72.
Aeyal Gross, Litigating the Right to Health under Occupation: Between Bureaucracy and Humanitarianism, 27 Minnesota Journal of International Law, 421-491 (2018)
Atkins S., Banerjee AT, Bachynski K. et al, Using the COVID-19 Pandemic to reimagne global health teaching in high-income countries, BMJ Global Health 2021, 6:e005469. doi 10.1136/bmjgh-2021-005649 (2021)
Tamar Luster, Einat Albin, Aeyal Gross, Miri Tabenkin and Nadav Davidovich, Promoting Vaccinations from a Human Rights and Equity Perspective: Lessons from the Israeli Green Pass, 12 European Journal of Risk Regulation 308-320 (2021)
Einat Albin, Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov, Aeyal Gross & Tamar Hostovsky-Brandes, ISRAEL, in THE OXFORD COMPENDIUM OF NATIONAL LEGAL RESPONSES TO COVID-19 (Jeff King & Octavio Ferraz eds., 2021)
Aeyal Gross, “Like a dystopian nightmare”: human rights and the securitization and politicization of health in global and constitutional law in the shadow of the covid-19 crisis, Mishapt Umimshal, forthcoming 2021 [Hebrew]
Dr. Melanie Levy (selected publications; full list)
Melanie Levy, Lex Atlas: Covid-19, Country report for Switzerland, The Oxford Compendium of National Legal Responses to Covid-19, Oxford University Press (forthcoming in 2022).
Melanie Levy, Surrogacy and parenthood: a European saga of genetic essentialism and gender discrimination, Michigan Journal of Gender & Law (forthcoming in 2022).
Melanie Levy, The Swiss vaccination enigma in times of COVID-19: between panacea, federalism, and skepticism (under review).
Melanie Levy, Health-tracking technologies: from the quantified self to a public health tool? (under review).
Melanie Levy, Please rate your patient experience! Critical thoughts on the role of emerging online hospital ratings in Swiss healthcare, in: Evelyne Clerc et al. (Ed.), “Alea jacta est: Santé!” Mélanges en hommage au prof. Olivier Guillod, Helbing Lichtenhahn, Basel 2021.
Melanie Levy, The rise of the Swiss regulatory healthcare state: On preserving the just in the quest for the better (or less expensive?), Regulation and Governance, 2020 (published online before inclusion in an issue).
Melanie Levy, In dubio pro CPR? The controversial status of “Do Not Resuscitate” imprints on the human body - a Swiss innovation, European Journal of Health Law, 2020 27, p. 125-145.
Melanie Levy, State incentives to promote organ donation: Honoring the principles of reciprocity and solidarity inherent in the gift relationship, Journal of Law and the Biosciences, 2018 5(2), p. 398-435.
Dr. Adi Niv-Yagoda (selected publications)
Niv-Yagoda, A, Katznelson, E. 2010. "Legal and psychologists to make decisions about medical care for children in situations of disagreement between the parents," HaMishpat Volume 15 (2), p. 551. [Hebrew]
Niv-Yagoda, A. 2012. "Participation minors in a medical procedures - Gertie to interpret a particular episode," Medicine and Law, Volume 45 . [Hebrew]
Niv-Yagoda, A .2014. Breaking the stigma - HIV and human rights, Judgments insights27, 5-20. [Hebrew]
Niv-Yagoda, A.2015 . The Boundaries of Freedom of Patient Choice within the Public Health System, Medicine and Law 2015. [Hebrew]
Niv-Yagoda, A . 2016. The Principle of Mutuality – Caregivers’ Disclosure Duty, Patients’ Responsibilities, and the ‘Duty to Inform’, Alei Mishpat - The Law Review of The College of Law & Business, Pp.183. [Hebrew]
Niv-Yagoda, A. 2018. Macroeconomic Assessment When introducing a new drug into the basket of health services, Medic, Pp. 62. [Hebrew]
Niv-Yagoda, A . 2018. Analytical Framework for the Resolution of Conflicts and Crises in the Israeli Health System, International Journal of Conflict Engagement and Resolution, Issue 1
Niv-Yagoda, A. 2020. Association between trust in the public healthcare system and selecting a surgeon in public hospitals in Israel: a cross-sectional population study. Isr J Health Policy Res 9, 38 (2020).
Angel, Y., Niv-Yagoda, A. & Gamzu, R. Adapting the Israeli national health insurance law to the 21st century– a report from the 19th Dead Sea Conference. Isr J Health Policy Res 10, 1 (2021).
Barnea, R., Niv-Yagoda, A. & Weiss, Y. Changes in the activity levels and financing sources of Israel’s private for-profit hospitals in the wake of reforms to the public-private divide. Isr J Health Policy Res 10, 23 (2021). (Royi Barnea and Adi Niv-Yagoda contributed equally to this work).
Niv-Yagoda A, "Human Relations" as a Basis for Proper and professional Medical Care and Strengthening Public Trust in the Public Health System. Medicine and Law (Refuah U’Mishpat). 2021; 52, 107-119. [Hebrew]
Niv-Yagoda, A, Peleg, G. 2013. Issues and dilemmas at the end of life, Tntology, Scientific loss, bereavement and grief: Selected Topics (eds: Haniya Shannon Klein, Shulamith Kreitler and Kreitler container), Pardes Publishing . [Hebrew]
Niv-Yagoda, A . 2019. The Patient, the Caregiver and the Bridge Between Them. In Partnership in Healthcare: The Patient, the Caregiver and the Bridge Between Them (Shafran-Tikva, Sigal, Joshua Shemer, and Yossi Weiss eds.), Jerusalem: Magnes Press . [Hebrew]
Niv-Yagoda, A . 2021. Access to information or commercial marketing of health services? The limits of what is allowed and what is forbidden. The Patient’s Rights Law The Incomplete Revolution (Joshua Shemer, Shmuel Ben-Yaacov and Yossi Weiss eds.), Yedioth Ahronoth Press . [Hebrew]