“Negligence, Strict Liability and Collective Action”, 42 Journal of Legal Studies (2013) (with Ehud Guttel and Erez Yuval)
"The Anticompetitive Effect of Passive Investment," 99 Michigan Law Review, p. 1-47 (2000)
"The Hidden Roles of Boilerplate and Standard-Form Contracts: Strategic Imposition of Transaction Costs, Segmendation of Consumers, and Anticompetitive Effects," 104 Michigan Law Review, 983-1032 (2006). (with Ariel Porat)
"Negligence and Insufficient Activity: The Missing Paradigm in Torts", Michigan Law Review, Vol 108, p. 277 (2009) (with Ehud Guttel)
"EC Competition Law and the Regulation of Passive Investment among Competitors," 26 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, p. 327-349 (2006) (with Ariel Ezrachi)
"A Market-Based Approach to Telecom Interconnection," 77 Southern California Law Review, p.1-51 (2003)
“Viewing Unconscionability through A Market Lens,” William and Mary Law Review, p. 133-195 (2010) (With Ariel Porat)
"Retail Competition Percolating through to Suppliers, and Using Vertical Integration, Vertical Restraints and Tying to Stop It, "20 Yale Journal on Regulation, p. 25-75 (2003)
"Are Excessive Prices Really Self-Correcting?",Journal of Competition Law and Economics, Vol 5, p.249 (2008) (with Ariel Ezrachi)
“Excessive Pricing, Entry, Assessment, and Investment: Lessons From The Mittal Litigation” Antitrust Law
Journal, Vol 76, p. 873-897 (2010) (with Ariel Ezrachi)
Excessive Pricing as an Abuse of Dominance (
in Hebrew)
Chapter on excessive pricing and other forms of abuse of a dominant position (
in Hebrew)
Food Law (In Hebrew)
David Gilo, A Coherent approach to the Antitrust Prohibition of Excessive Pricing by Dominant Firms, “Excessive Pricing and Competition Law Enforcement” (Frederic Jenny and Yannis Katsoulacos, eds. Springer 2018).
David Gilo, Excessive Pricing by Dominant Firms, Private Litigation, and the Existence of Alternative Products, Frédéric Jenny Liber Amicorum, Concurrences, 2018.
Minumum Resale Price Maintenance (In Hebrew)
Excessive Pricing: procedure and substance (with Alon Klement): A reply to the Israeli Attorney General (In Hebrew)
"Loyalty discounts, exclusive dealing and bundling: rule of reason, quasi-per-se, price-cost test, or something in between?", forthcoming, Journal of Antitrust Enforcement (2015) (with Assaf Eilat and Guy Sagi)
"The Anticompetitive Effect of “Grace Periods” in Grocery Markets” (with Ariel Ezrachi) (In Hebrew)
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